ANSUBOOK is ready and placed for sale!

I have a lot of things on my hand and managing ANSUBOOK could be hectic, so I decided to place it for sale. Its a copycat of

To view the site please click here

Please contact Mr.Best on 08037214678 if you are interested. (For students only)


Unknown said…
Bu it jus started na. Y seln it.............
chizoba Egboluche said…
Mr. Best u cn give it sometym 4 it 2 establish bfre sale. Afterall u hav ur crews dey cn help u manage it until a ryt tym comes 4 u 2 sale it
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
i jst wonda ohh
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
wetin dey this guy mind
chizoba Egboluche said…
Its a nyc site 4rm wat I hav viewed nd sincerely u shld kip it 4 d main tym
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
smfin wia jst start na em e wan sell.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
mmmmmmmhm best am moni.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
make u no go sell peson 1 day cos if moni oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
make u no go sell peson 1 day cos of moni oh..
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
evri tym sell sell go jst dy ur mind
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
make em no go sell otoko oh or ansu
melisa said…
i wonda y u wunt kip it and maintain d site.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
i wonda oh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
who knows
nwankwo henry economics said…
Take an advice u should have use d time u used 2 create it 2 develop gist me ansu better
nwankwo henry economics said…
Wonder why u wanna sell it,cos if its anytin better dan this I advice u keep it....
nwankwo henry economics said…
And advertising it dsnt make u look good cos if its good pple will bid 4 it b4 u advertise it...
Mr bobby ezubelu said…
Omo no sell am manage am
nwankwo henry economics said…
Not sayin your reasons aint sincere but really u should have just conidered a whole lot.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
One although we know managing such a site will require a whole lot of income,but u should have used gist me ansu as an advertising channel 2 source 4 support....
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Dis is serious
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
I love this
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Dis is encouraging
Stanley Aniba=philosophy said…
Bt how can i do dis am lost?
Shakira englîsh dept said…
Am best manage ur book ok or maybe ur chapter 5 can help u
Unknown said…
That very very nice
Stevengold(C.M.S) said…
Keep on trying Mr Best...... Am behind your success
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Na wa oh !
babyblinks said…
Nyc work
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Wetin Black man no go sell 4 money .
Zeno blaq bkf said…
wetin be dis sef ? Who no sabi ANSU ?
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Na free ? Cos money no dey .
Unknown said…
Zeno you dae funny ooo...
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Hmmm! Very soon , ANSU Flag go be 4 sale .
Unknown said…
But Mr Best you for handle it first for uptimum productivity.
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Guy , no be small tinxs oh ! May we begin dey sell ANSU things nah .
Unknown said…
Ansu now on sale...
Unknown said…
Ansu book...needs to be active first before changing hands naahhhh....
Zeno blaq bkf said…
Attention oh ! I fit produce ANSU Shirt . Incase u need my help .
Unknown said…
Ansu is my school...and ansubook is our social network
Zeno blaq bkf said…
4 ur mind nah ! Hahahaha!
babyblinks said…
Unknown said…
It is a fact for sure and every one knows.
Unknown said…
Even Blinks knows.
Unknown said…
I wonder how much the tariff will be.
Unknown said…
Since you want to sell Ansubook? @Mr Best,
Unknown said…
How much do you have in mind?
Unknown said…
Any way, Mr Best... I doubt if much people will come for it...because it is not a sure product yet...
Unknown said…
Mr Best, why should you rush in selling it out even without checking its success out?
Unknown said…
I will suggest you still handle ansubook for a while before putting it on sale...
Anonymous said…
@Zodi...I like the way you give you are always giving advice, ur advices are so helpful and I knw Mr Best will find reason in them.
Unknown said…
@Anonimous, thanks for your observations,
Unknown said…
At least it shows that you are a regular reader of GMA...and apart from that, I just want to make my point clear and I know that somebody like Mr Best will really Understand the meanings in the things I say.
Unknown said…
I am really happy that my advices are really apreciated.
Unknown said…
And I believe that some how, I am simply giving out the points from my own perspective, though I know every one wont always agree with the arguments I make....
Unknown said…
Though I consider it as human nature...
nwankwo henry economics said…
You don't need to post a message by ur self using a dffrnt name to analyse ur points cos 2 be sincere 1 or 2 persons make good points u all just keep sayin lil or notin dats how less creative ansu student are,tanks 2 pple like Mr best and the few less creative the more boring you all will make this page.....
nwankwo henry economics said…
What do we expect 4rm it cos sincerly this particular site itselfs will need some advancing....
nwankwo henry economics said…
What do we have to undastnd on what web hosting,bloggin means you need 2 differtiate this....
nwankwo henry economics said…
I was checking out other young site like this and there seem 2 be some big difference with this paticular site...
nwankwo henry economics said…
Will you be able to meet with the big competiton 4rm outside or will you just let this be an ansu tin alone???
nwankwo henry economics said…
Mark zukerberg started facebook with a school web page wen he had the idea of facebook he shared wit friends and started it up,so I tink u should do same
Private User said…
The site was just opened. I've always known it would a Herculean task for you to carry all that yourself though. But you've got to move on. It's for the future.
Onyinye Ume said…
This will be hard somehow....any way that is none of my business, I just want something good.
Zodi Uduezue philosophy said…
The most pressing thing that I see right now are the forthcoming examination and guys need to start studying, if not to know, atleast to pass the exams.
beautiful said…
Wow. I jst saw d site now. Its jst like facebook. So sweet.
beautiful said…
But y will you wanna sell it?
beautiful said…
Y not give it a chance to know wat it will look like wen fully functional.
beautiful said…
I will advice u give it a chance, knw wat d pple response will b about it.
beautiful said…
Dis is a very good site. I wonder y u will want it to b sold.
beautiful said…
Dis is business and remember dat notin good coms easy.
beautiful said…
Like d old saying goes, no risk no reward.
beautiful said…
Dis is really a chance to make it big.
beautiful said…
Ansubook is jst like a little child dat needs to b nutured well so dat it will bcome somtin good in d nearest future.
beautiful said…
So if you ask me, witout any hesitation, I will say don't even dream of selling it.
beautiful said…
But these r jst my opinion, I don't knw wat u might hv in mind.
beautiful said…
By d way how much do u hv in mind to sell it?
beautiful said…
If its wat money can buy, I might probably decide to get it.
beautiful said…
Hahahaha. I wish I hv d cash to make such a buy.
beautiful said…
I won't even hesitate. Will make d buy rite away.
beautiful said…
But I am so broke. I wish I can make d buy.
beautiful said…
Well I jst hope dat if eventually sold. It should be sold to d ryt buyer.
beautiful said…
A buyer with ideas, with innovation, a buyer wit propects.
beautiful said…
If a buyer must buy d site, he must posses all dis quality and beyond.
beautiful said…
Not jst a guy from onisha dat has money oh.
beautiful said…
We need sombody filled wit ideas jst like you Mr Best.
beautiful said…
A buyer dat is filled wit d drive for innovation.
beautiful said…
A person dat will take d globalisation of ANSU to d nxt level.
beautiful said…
Well I still hope you don't sell it.
beautiful said…
Goddmorning to all grt students of ANSU... Wish U all a fulfilled day ahead.
Unknown said…
Thanks miss beautiful, wishing you the same tooo....
babyblinks said…
Zodi yes I kw, bt mr best z tru oooooooon biko dnt sell it
beautiful said…
Yap u all should remain blessed.
beautiful said…
Yap u all should remain blessed.
Unknown said…
, the accreditation saga will surely be ending today and school fully resumes tomorrow....
Unknown said…
Mr Best, you will probably need to accreditate this Ansubook.
Unknown said…
And also book the social network in a functioning market.
Unknown said…
This site will be a sure way of making more money...
Unknown said…
I thought of it for a while,
Unknown said…
And I have come to realise the possible reasons why Mr Best will possibly want Ansubook to be sold.
Unknown said…
To begin with, GMA has already gained success, if not for anywhere @least in the schools campuses....
Unknown said…
And most of us will know what it took Mr Best to come upto this stage alone
Unknown said…
Both in terms of finance and interms of time factor and even stress that comes with the hard work...
Unknown said…
And Mr Best must have thought to himself that if he puts such an effort just in handling GMA alone,
Unknown said…
What then will be needed of him to circulate as well as handle Ansu's first official social network which is Ansubook.
beautiful said…
He is about selling d next big tin in ANSU.
Unknown said…
Follow me tellam ooo...
Unknown said…
Ansubook will become a sensitively intergrated part of Ansu.
Private User said…
Do not sell it! I repeat, Do not sell it!
Unknown said…
Even Chuma himself dae tokam.
Unknown said…
So this is my advice,
Unknown said…
Keep it and please dont sell it...think of the reason why you created it in the first place and stick to that reason.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we all cant wait for sometin special like.......
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
where do people get the idea that gist me ansu is now very big??????
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
ran a bit of survey on the popularity poll of gma
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
was kinda alarmimg the result cos it will shock even mr best himslf that 72% of ansu student dont know anytin abt GMA
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
THEN I POSE the question will you wanna sell sometin that could increase ur popularity rating to your blogg???
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
obviously the answr is a no,u rather remain in business
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now ways to make sure to remain in business.......
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
you do not let your competitors know about your weak side
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
and people will ask what is his weak point?
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
1 the fact that u revealed that you do not have the capacity to handle some tin like ansu book
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
2,that was a sign that revealed the fact that you do not have the fighting poweres in business
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
fighting poweress dsnt mean go ahead fighting your competitors ooo,b4 ansu student mis quote me
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
its the ability to stand out
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
out of the many business that have failed who cant compete due to the harsh economic situation
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
when you decide to stand out of the many you gain respect and recognition
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
but business as we know has its very distinct part to effects on the nations economy
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
as an enterpreanuer you are a risk taker not a risk avoider
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
people expect you to be able to relate with the harsh situation that the market will bring
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now selling ansubook what kind of picture are you potraying
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
you depicting yourelf as a business man who cant fight in the business market
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
someone who might one day even sell his own rights in his own company
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
well you know that the competition you facing in this school is little or nothing @ all
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
is that the reason for your attitude??????
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
because if there was like 5 or more student willing to battle it out with you on who got the best blog,obviously you might not sell
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
but for you to place the sale of it open maybe you got bigger plans for GMA
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now let me highlight the problems this particular blogg is having
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
web hosting is very poor u need to talk to your IT consultant
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
ads needs to be placed more on this site leave it open for participation
Demy psychology said…
woooooooooooow, xo api
Demy psychology said…
dream come true.
Demy psychology said…
but y selling it nah?
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
the number of dumb and lame comment just makes one wonder if this is a university
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
most of the comments are mostly out of point and we need smart people like you to help enlighten a lot of people using this medium
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now you have to source for funds with the help of private investors too....
Demy psychology said…
we kno managing it will b hectic for u buh u cn gt or employ ppl to do dt for u.
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
although last i heard was some private individual was trying to buy up all the stake of this organisation
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
well good you didnt sell but the same dude will ask him self now why his he now selling a better one or is it because of its resemblance with......
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
we know this was gotten inspirationally from facebook......
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
wish is not really a problem but the problem is can u set d standard???? or is dat the reason for you wanting to sell?
spydee+ psychology said…
I wan buy d site
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
because really people need to know
spydee+ psychology said…
Mr best hw much are u willing 2 sell d site am interested??
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
and with the advent of different social networks you need to be inclined with proper modern day techniques
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
now exactly what i was saying is already been dsplayed.....
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
so much unceriousness to issues, not dumbing around
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
if you gonna sell bro sell nice and smart
Unknown said…
Time don reach naahhh...
Unknown said…
Mr Best go need to give some people amnesty for sure...
Nwankwo Henry Economics said…
but be realistic about it what you offering is it gonna be a trademark??????
Mr. Gary Philosophy said…
well d book is 1 of a kind sha
Mr. Gary Philosophy said…
i beliv in d next five yrz nw ansu will change for gud..... w2do u guyz tink abt dis?/
Unknown said…
Things are changing...
Unknown said…
What ever that happens, somethings can never be Changed.
Kizzy Psych said…
Dats really good looks lyk a facebook actually
Kizzy Psych said…
Bt y do u wanna sell it afta dis long tym of preparation for it nawa oooo
Kizzy Psych said…
I hope u will heed to our advices and forget selling dat off
Kizzy Psych said…
But if u really wanna sell it am interested
Kizzy Psych said…
Abt how much is involved
beautiful said…
Well I jst pray u don't sell it.
beautiful said…
Cos I don't knw anyone good enof dat will buy it.
Kizzy Psych said…
Yea @ beautiful best u can handle dat beta abeg ooooo
beautiful said…
I don't really like dis selling idea.
beautiful said…
U created dis site, y not see it tru?
beautiful said…
Dis is wat baffles me bout dis site.
beautiful said…
U created d site Mr Best, y not see it tru?
beautiful said…
Y not develop it and knw hw it will go b4 selling.
beautiful said…
Dis is wat I would hv done.
beautiful said…
Giv ansu book some chance to knw its potential.
beautiful said…
It is after dis u will den decide wat to do
beautiful said…
If it has good potentails as I believe it will, u kip it.
beautiful said…
If it don't, den sell it off.
beautiful said…
Datz how I knw business is being done.
beautiful said…
Pls Mr Best jst giv dis a chance.
Unknown said…
Mr Best dont lose hope on this site...
Unknown said…
Still give it a chance to grow...
Unknown said…
And you wont be giving it enough chance by selling it offf....
Unknown said…
The site still needs more nurturing for sure...
Unknown said…
And the best person to nurture it is you Mr Best...
Unknown said…
Because you created the site...
Unknown said…
And I know that you created it for a reason...
Unknown said…
Just try and be thinking of the reasons while handling the site.
Unknown said…
All I am trying to say here is very simple...
Unknown said…
You better be joking about selling Ansubook...
Unknown said…
Because it no go make sense...
Unknown said…
And me no supportam.
Unknown said…
As such, I will advice you to think twice.
Unknown said…
I raise my case..
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