1st correct answer gets a gift from me personally!

Ok, firstly, its about time I told you guys the truth. I'm in love. No jokes. Yesterday my baby sister called me and said

'Bros, you have wonderful readers. I could see love from their comments'.
Guess what I did? I hugged her crying, while I wondered why I did, I remembered that she would not have said it if not for YOU! So I'm in love with YOU. Thanks a lot for being there.



Anonymous said…
D african mango diet seed 08100989842
Anonymous said…
D african mango diet seed 08100989842
Anonymous said…
Irvingia or african mango diet seed 08100989842
mr bobby ...25BCD918 said…
Hahahahahahahah ogbonno an ogbonno
Anonymous said…
It is called 'IRVINGIA'
Wisdom said…
It is called 'IRVINGIA'
Wisdom said…
It is called 'IRVINGIA'
Anonymous said…
Wild mango is d names of d fruit it comes 4rm.
blessing said…
Ogbono is dra
kelvin bkf said…
Draw soup
blessing said…
Ogbono is draw
Anonymous said…

Unknown said…
Dika nut........
Unknown said…
Dika nut........
chantel said…
Ogbono is made from dried mango-like seed. It is called APON. Dats my number trace me wit it if am correct 08135309286.
chantel said…
Ogbono is made from dried mango-like seed. It is called APON. Dats my number trace me wit it if am correct 08135309286.
Unknown said…
African mango seed.
Unknown said…
African mango seed
Anonymous said…
Dika nut

Eleke obi
cynthia soc said…
Mr best Is it cooked ogbono abey uncooked one?make I know which one I dey answer.
Henry said…
African mango diet seed
omaexy smart said…
English name 4 'ogbono' is bus mango'
omaexy smart said…
ogbono is bush mango in English
ifunanya said…
draw draw
Lamba.. 07030370394 said…
African wild Mango seed
Vivian said…
Ogbono na ogbono fist comment
Anonymous said…
#african mango
Anonymous said…
Wild mango, african mango etc
Gist Me Inc. said…
Definition of Wild Mango:
According to http://www.thefreedictionary.com/wild+mango+tree

Wild mango tree - African tree with edible yellow fruit resembling mangos; valued for its oil-rich seed and hardy green wood that resists termites

Ogbono is an extract from a three 'Wild Mango'.
Irvingia is not English.
The name African mango is broad.
According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia: Irvingia is a genus of African and Southeast Asian trees in the family Irvingiaceae. Which means its not just Africa. Congratulations to the anonymous with 9:20 am with number 08063568935. You must have received a called from our Mr. Alvan. Congratulations.
Anonymous said…
i tot as much. Ivingia is nt even in oxford. But best dnt u think that african mango can still go?
Paddy said…
olodo na fried one
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
It's is called wild or bush mango
Unknown said…
Lmao melon na egusi nah

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