New Song: Oyi na atu na Awka Remix f.t Veecko Kingz

When I first announced the underground dealings Mr. Flexy has with Veeko Kyngz (Achorom Ikpu ya), many people thought it was 'wash'. SEE the announcement HERE....Well, I will never stop surprising you guys. I mean every single word that leaves my mouth (But I'm not Jesus lol). HERE is the Download link to Oyina atu na Awka Remix with VeecKo KynGz. DOWNLOAD HERE!
Congratulations Mr. Flexy!


07038258497 said…
If i no be ffist coment today make i knw. Flexy inwee ya
Unknown said…
Hrd d song can make one go wild......Congrates Mr Flexy
Unique vivi masscomm said…
Wow...kip it up@flexy....07067905079
Don Baba Cee said…
Well done,muan
somayina's blog said…
Good for him and his career
oyi na atu n'akwa, mana . . . . . . u 2 much
Paddy said…
Mr. Flexy is the bomb
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Wat doz it mean?
Unknown said…
I can't understand it atall
Mantisa said…
Vicko kings is nt a small man. Dat means flexy is connected.
Paddy said…
Who dash am
BabyOku said…
Shutup hata
Unknown said…
I hv so much respect for hard working youths. Keep the flag flying
Unknown said…
Congrates guy but sing something Godly nd matured....wetin b oyi na atu na awka mana...........gosh!
Zodi Uduezue said…
This is indeed a great step to Mr Flexy's musical career, the guy always keeps the flag going high, kudos to him. Mr Best I really commend your work too for sharing this update with us, it really shows that Ansu artistes work in unity ........this remix make sense wella with an original beat, I like it.
Unknown said…
OMG........jst hrd d song nd is got me SPEECHLESS. Its far beta dan d real song nd I must say'am so proud of u FLEX Z' Thumbs up
Unknown said…
OMG........jst hrd d song nd is got me SPEECHLESS. Its far beta dan d real song nd I must say'am so proud of u FLEX Z' Thumbs up
Doncarta said…
i done wait for d release of dis song tire! Finally!! . . .downloading...

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