What do you think is the problem with Nigeria?

This is a game that entail FACTS! Just tell us your opinion on the problem with Nigeria.

As for me;

*I think Nigeria has a problem of religion. It has turned the country upside down.


Paddy said…
Corruption is our major problem. Corruption on the part of all of us. Starting from the layman in the streets to the elites, then to me. It is the corrupt citizens who become leaders.
Anonymous said…
This is ur best comment eva on gma. Kudos
Unknown said…
Nigeria! Nigeria!! Nigeria!!!. When will this country of ours be better? Well, 2 brief it all i think tribalism, terrorism, nd corruption r the major problems with Nigeria.
Anonymous said…
I think that corruption nd tribalism is d problem
Zodi Uduezue said…
Nigeria has problems like any other nation in the world, I don't see the essence of emphasizing on the shortcomings of Nigeria.
Unique vivi masscomm said…
paddy u re right. what i think dat causes d corruption is lack of understanding, we re in a country wia everybody is ryt, no one is wrong, in a country wia truth is a foreign or let me use forbidden language, a country wia every1 want justice bt no one is ready to fight for it, in a country wia d elders beleive dat dey re d best, dat dey will should be done, in a country wia d future of our youths re nt consider....,.... SMH
we re d world bt in our country we beleive I AM D WORLD, dsts y we re making a better place for me and for me and my family only instead of for me and for u and d entire universe.. HMMM... SAVE US OH LORD, NIGERIA @53
Unique vivi masacomm said…
paddy u re right. what i think dat causes d corruption is lack of understanding, we re in a country wia everybody is ryt, no one is wrong, in a country wia truth is a foreign or let me use forbidden language, a country wia every1 want justice bt no one is ready to fight for it, in a country wia d elders beleive dat dey re d best, dat dey will should be done, in a country wia d future of our youths re nt consider....,.... SMH
we re d world bt in our country we beleive I AM D WORLD, dsts y we re making a better place for me and for me and my family only instead of for me and for u and d entire universe.. HMMM... SAVE US OH LORD, NIGERIA @53
Mr. Gary said…
i can only sum up 9ja probz in 5 letter words. GREED.
Unknown said…
Habe!!! Mr Oginizi? Why no update?

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