This is shameful! The latest ranking of Nigerian Higher Institutions by Answers Africa

1st. Obafemi Awolowo University (O.A.U) Ile-Ife
2nd. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB)
3rd. University of Lagos (UNILAG)
4th. University of Ilorin
5th. University of Ibadan (U.I)
6th. University of Ibadan (U.I)
7th. Ahmadu Bello University (ABU)
8th. Auchi Polytechnic
9th. University of Benin (UNIBEN)
10th. Covenant University, Ota

For more details click here

This is shameful! The latest ranking of Nigerian Higher Institutions accommodated a polytechnic and a private University. I wonder why ANSU they dull...Abeg wetin una think?


vickyleon said…
hahahahhahaahahahaha do u expect to see Ansu dia? Den u are jokin cos u wil only see Ansu in criminal cases mcheeeewwww
Johnprecious said…
U pple re real funny
Mr. Dulocs said…
ansu go soon grow
Private User said…
Whatever... Idc lol smh
beautiful said…
Ansu is not even in d first hundred.
beautiful said…
Ansu is not even in d first hundred.
beautiful said…
Ansu is not even in d first hundred.

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