The Anti-cult harases the S.U.G public relations officer.

In the early hours of today; the S.U.G public relations officer; Comrade Juliet was harassed by the Anti-CULT group.
The reason they said was due to indecent dressing. She was instructed to jump into the Anti-CULT van; that instruction she failed to oblige.

She had told them how unpleasant it was to the ear of other students for a 'figure' like her to be seen parading the school in a Hilux van.

This is a funny news, but I just think it's about time the  Students Union Government told the Anti-CULT their limits.  Thank God the S.U.G President is on the matter.

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Mr Flexy said…
nawa oooooo, Ansu nwere comma oooooo, even question mark
Johnprecious said…
Nawa me no wan talk cos i ve said alot.wat dis anti-cult of group is doing is nt funny alot is d high tym student will go 4 riot.
Stanley Stanlez de Sanchez said…
4 mua i no fit SHOUT!!!
Chidave said…
Wel,,its time we rily knw d limits of d duties of d anti cult....
oyoma said…
men..dos anti-cult guys r nt friendly o
oyoma said…
i even learnt,they now pick ppl 4lukn doubts my neighbour was
MaryBen said…
If na bcs of indecent dressing, den it serves her right cus nobody is above d law. Bt anti cult abeg una go take am easy bf una go commit both MOTHER & FATHER. lwkmd!
OJE said…
D proverbial handshake av xtended beyond d elbow..Sooner or later,de ft bgn chek departmental result pik dose wey gt carry ova
shadow! said…
Liscensed humilators....I wonder wat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣ judged to be an indecent if rightly accussed I care notin abt d s.u.g stuff...rule of law stands wich encapsulates EQUALITY OF DE LAW as its prologue nd dialdem. Bt anyways she should be considered as a public figure nd handled with a little respect in retrospect to her position!!
Gold said…
Nawa oo even sug
vickyleon said…
God help us all in ANSU
Mr. Dulocs said…
guy me no undastnd o
Private User said…
This group behaves like.... Guess they've gone nuts
beautiful said…
Well, may God protect we d students.
Evelyn okolie said…
4 her mind she be public figure,yeye.....
Happy new year 2 u all.

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