Mr. Flexy- Oyi na atu na Awka

This ANSU's star is fast rising...

Justin Stanley, popularly known as Mr. Flexy has made his fans proud once again with his single 'Oyi na atu na Awka', which loosely translates to 'There is cold at Awka'. This song is worth listening. 


Anonymous said…
if Ansu aint d Sky den why do we av d stars?..nice1 flexy,we gat ur bck
Ijeoma said…
Flexy hmmm. Otukariri na igbariam. Congrats
Anonymous said…
hw can one download the song
Mezie said…
Hmmm! Flexy don enerd google oo.
Unknown said…
Please bear with us, the download link is not available yet. We would post it once it is... Enjoy
Kasiem said…
Flexy onye nko.Money no be problem
nwogbo onyinye aka finest said…
Great philosophy greates philosopher yeah dat my director of social of philosophy dept mr flrxy ijebe go
Mbachu Olivia said…
flexy ride on
Promzy Don Onyeks said…
Flexy...keep it coming,got your back bruh
Anonymous said…
Ogan flexi
Mr Flexy said…
Tanz 2 all, i appreciate. I promise to always give u guys my best. Mana gwagodunum eziokwu, o na otu akiriro na igbariam?
Anonymous said…
heheheh. na true talk bro. d tin too much
Gifty said…
ur mind corrupt o
Anonymous said…
Denze neva wan release new track. Oyi don old na
Anonymous said…
Sorry, Flexy I mean
African chima(A.C) said…
D bxt z yet to cum.....ride on ansu all stars.....aka African chima (A.C)
vickyleon said…
hahahhahahaha nwanne otu kariri na igbariam no be smalll. Ride on mr flexy. I nwere comma lol
Johnprecious said…
Flexy u get comma
Mr. Dulocs said…
flexy d man
Mr. Dulocs said…
tem! 4 flexy
paul said…
9ice 1 flexy
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
oyi master ke ife na emezi.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
i dey fel u jor.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
as in eh.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
d otu kari ri godu self.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
for nw i dnt tink itz online.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
u cn kolet it frm frds.
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
almst all d stdnts has d song
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
Mr.Gary philosophy said…
no probz.
beautiful said…
Mr flexy's recent album is so nice..get one of it nd listen to it,I promise u guys wil enjoy it.
beautiful said…
Evriwia I go,oyi na atu is bumin evriwia. I guess evribody kws abot it.
beautiful said…
Mor greese to ur elbow bro,bliv me d sky is ur limit..
beautiful said…
Bt wait oo Mr flexy,I listend to dis ur song nd couldn't gt any meanin to it.pls bro explain well for me kus I gotta goodnews fr ya if u do dat.
beautiful said…
Is good Mr Best recognizd u. Am grateful to him for dis wonderful site. My dear Ansu students no dy dull atall,am never regretn my stay in Ansu.
beautiful said…
I must greet evribody n da jst hia for d fun of it nd for d sake I enjoy chatn a lot. Love u all

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