Photo of the day!

I am sure Igbariam girls have not spotted him out yet!!!
Do you think he is too handsome?

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Johnprecious said…
Woow igbariam gals go die 4 guy
lasgidi said…
kia dis guy ova make brianz, dm go die 4 dis dude 4 sure
sophiakansy said…
Na wu tell u da one,na gals wey one die 4 am na go die 4 am.buh sha I no lie d guy mk cute no b small!!!!!
vickyleon said…
d guy is handsome
Gold said…
D guy gt luck say i no b homo i 4???????
geena lee said…
if he's rili in ds school den we nid to see hs pix arnd d scul environment,till den I beg to disagree buh he's a cute
comiclil said…
hummmm hw i wish mine was included in dat photo hummm coment 4 yapa
Mr. Dulocs said…
hes cute
Private User said…
Not all girls fall easily for guys ooo
beautiful said…
D guy is cute, no doubt, but dying for him? Far from it.

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