Which would you choose: go to jail for 3 months or pay a N5m fine?

You're in court and in front of a judge for an offense and the judge tells you: Pay a fine of N5million or spend three months in Kirikiri prison. Which would you choose? Bear in mind that you earn only N100k a month. And you do have N5million in your account, but it's your life savings. What would you do? Give up your life savings and start all over again or spend three months in jail?

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Kosy said…
Abeg oo! I go pay 5mil start life afresh
Chioma said…
Three months is small! I go for it
Johnprecious said…
I go jail and use d moni 4 a beta tin
Ikenna Ibe said…
Jail things dear
vickyleon said…
omo i go keep my money ooooooo, 3 months na small thing na. But 5million na big problem. I wil jst serve d jail term
Gold said…
Na jail tins ooo 5m fa
Mr. Dulocs said…
am nt payin any damn money
Private User said…
I go u part of the money go to richman jail.
beautiful said…
I will gladly go to jail.

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