I think good of ANSU- S.U.G President said.

Onwa Casmir's administration is doing great! He is building a 'Love garden/S,U.G canteen'.

"I think good of ANSU, before my administration ends, I hope to have finished the construction of 'Love garden/S,U.G canteen'; it's just one of the numerous things I wish to do." - Onwa

Oringo goes on and on and on! More powers to his elbow.

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Princewill Ebuka said…
This is a good one but we need this project to be executed as soon as possible
Anonymous said…
Johnprecious said…
Onwa u dey try
Gold said…
Lolzzz i hope say no gate fee 2 enta d garden oo
Decency said…
Onwa carry go
Anonymous said…
I hear
Anonymous said…
a luv gardn??!!..plzzzz! Onwa z dah d most important tin u shuld do, diaz no lyt, we avin transprt probz n ur tokin about luv gardn, of wah use z it gona b mor 2 us? Z dah wah we are in skul 4? If u dnt av any agenda, try askin 4 opinions, 2ndly u wiarnt electd 2 mit al ur nidz bt mor of d pplez nidz. An sug cnteen?!!! Lyk serxly diz aint 4ny, am totaly nt in suport of it. Onwa dnt b self centad, we electd u 2 do smtin beta n mor meaninful dan dz, lyk ai xd am nt suport of diz, finaly we dnt want ur oligarchy typ of rulin bur aristocracy, thumbz dwn boo!! Think ryt jae....
Anonymous said…
i am Chiamaka from Buss.admin 100level
Claribel said…
Onwa there re more tins u shud focus ur mind in,more ova I suggest u delegate functions to ur Excos,dis lov garden nd canteen of a tin shud b d work of d D0S[EMBO]u hav more challengin work to do.Neverthless KUDOS,
vickyleon said…
onwa more grease to ur elbow, its not easy at all. Keep d gud work goin
Anonymous said…
sori, chiamaka pub admin, 100level nat bus
Skul boi said…
Abeg we wld prefer lyt 2 de so called luv garden...bt since it is still a project...CARI GO!!!
MaryBen said…
End time is at hand oo. Oringo no go give u eternal life bt its a nice one. Lol
Lawless-Brown said…
We need electricity not a love garden, of wat use is it?
Mr. Dulocs said…
wer d garden go b
beautiful said…
I don't really lake dis guy. He is jst too dull for my kind of person.
Evelyn okolie said…
Imagine of all issues here like lite,no security,its love garden.beta wake up from ur dream..u go come fear love garden 4 inside igbariam,u tink say na unn u dey

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