Please I need your advice...

I was madly in love with this girl for a year and nine months. In fact I was planning to introduce her to my mum, all of a sudden I woke up and all my feelings for her was gone. She didn't do or say anything wrong. Nothing about her changed. Nothing about me changed. We didn't even have an argument. One minute we were talking about going on a vacation together and the next minute I stop picking her calls and started avoiding her. It's been four months now since my feelings for her changed and I still can't make sense of it. She wants answers, she wants to know what she did wrong, why I all of a sudden ended things with her. She thinks I met someone else but I didn't. I just stopped loving her and didn't want her anymore. What happened to me? How can I find my way back to her?

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Anonymous said…
hmnnnn..check yourself properly. you just can't stop loving someone just like that except if u were just infatuated in the first place.
Chioma said…
Obviously you were never truly in love with her so stop being a douchebag and have the courage to tell her so she can move on with her life.
OJE said…
Dt makes u human bro,U hav to wake up and posses ya possession..'Heraclitus d Philosopher said dt Permanenc is an illusion
Ekenenna said…
Guy, dats y we ar called human beign bcos we can change at any tym. So my guy jst meet her tel her u ar sory 4 wot z happenin 2 u.
Mr Flexy said…
Guy stop purnishin d poor innocent gal, jst call her and let her know whats up
Oyoma said…
Jex folo ur hrt man
MaryBen said…
Infact u need serious deliverance frm any source. A nice demon possessed u, no wonder u re so dynamic lyk d demon itself. If am d girl, i go jux tidy ur fuck up immediately i noticed dat. Rubbish! Go t hell n burn t ashes. Who cares? Mtcheew!
shadow! said…
Lolz....someone out there is dieng 4 d gal...nd probably she is axiomatically wagging her tail of beauty dat she is in a relationship with a guy who loves her...she might hav said no to a more handsome guy than u....imagine if d gal was d 1 abt to call u nd say such tin,wat will u do?? MAN EXAMINE URSEF 4 UNEXAMINED Life IS NOT WORTH LIVING...[Philosophical] bbt baba tell her Ʊя mind nd free ursef nd she too!!!
Gold said…
Hmm guy diz 1 na charm oo 1 gal fit don giv u love portion
Stevengold. said…
Well bros u have 2 wakeup again nd again dem recall ha bck if u still rilly luv ha.............dat is wot makes u a real man,
vickyleon said…
jst let d poor gal know u dnt luv her again
Mr. Dulocs said…
check well o
Vicmaly said…
guy be bold enuf n tel her how u re feelin: n c wat she gat 2 say
Private User said…
Do what you think is right. And be yourself. #spontaneous
beautiful said…
My Dear u must be posses. Or goin crazy.
Evelyn okolie said…
Wat u had for her was not true love,perhaps u loved her like a sister.

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