S.U.G Innaguration party to hold on the 3rd of May,2013

The Director of socials is to organize the upcoming S.U.G inauguration party holding on the 3rd of May.
The show would be graced by all the Executives of the Students Union Government. Everybody is invited!

A bomb shot party!
Venue would be communicated to you soonest.

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Johnprecious said…
Make d party reach na enjoyment tins
Gold said…
Lllloooooorrrrddddddd omo na rockin tinss oooo
Decency said…
U guys should seriously nt miss it
Anonymous said…
for una mind naa.... Una no say dis semester na short semester...... Make una go read una book
vickyleon said…
wow dis is gonna make senses based on oringo tinz, cnt wait to party hard. @ Embo & Best, u guys should make sure mr flexy {Oyi na atu na awka} wil perform, if not i wont come oooooo maka na isi na ihu si na azu i muta ejima. Lol i luv dat guy music die. As far as im concerned, he should be givin an SUG award of Artiste wit d best song of d year
lasgidi said…
flexin tinz nan
MaryBen said…
Wow. Cant wait for d day oo
Mr. Dulocs said…
hw d tin go be
Private User said…
Inaugration Party? Great
beautiful said…
Wia will d party hold. I am so in a party mood.

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