Sombody wrote against ANTI-CULT! Read it here and tell us what you think.

The Editor-in-chief of Gist-Me-Ansu penned down his view of the Anti Cult in an article he titled; 
ANTI CULT- A TEAM OF BULLY” This is an excerpt from the article, culled from his ‘facebook’ note.

“I don’t know what you think of these guys, but I just think they should be looked into.
I have seen cases where they beat a student mercilessly on first appearance to their office without interrogation. It frequents. To me its wrong; but it pains me most because I feel it happens because we do not know our rights. Somebody out there has to say something; write something and let the others follow. These ‘anti cult’ members are not doing it right at all.

Few days ago, they humiliated a law student by forcing him to sit on the floor with his co-operate dressing. Personally, I see no reason why such thing should happen. No matter what the student had done, he should be taken to the office and not seat him on the floor.......”

The ‘Students Union Government’ should see to that, before it gets out of hand.

What do you guys think? Please make sure you comment, the race starts with you.

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Kosy said…
Good job! Thank god for d person bcos noby 4 dis school fit get liver do am.
Anonymous said…
We have a govt. so I see no reason why dey should keep quiet and watch us cry
Anonymous said…
good job
lasgidi said…
good job
Anonymous said…
Thanks alot man!
OJE said…
Honestly,no mata d puny logic,d simplicity and downright sincerity in d piece above must b appreciated...An Incontroverible fact,apologists of d debacle ar being untrue to demsevs,ghetto-mentalised and succumbn to d worst form of intellectual snobbery...d actvities of ds Anti-Cult squad have gone byond limits..soon de fit handle persn on d basis of dt he or she is Ugly...To d relatv xtent dt d imagination of seein dem at d sch gate atyms dampens my spirit of going to schl...Its quite appaling!!!!!
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chioma said…
OJE... your comment is mouth-watering too, just like that of The editor in chief. You see, I started liking this site because of its vasatality. I never knew a student could have the courage to write against the anti cult. I was thinking everybody would try to be comfortable with the happenings. As you said, they get me fed up eachtime I remember that these men would be standing at the gate. I sometime think tgat they have started addung 'envy' to their job. These days they just see you dress good and they would be like ' wat is dis wan feeling like?' the next thing, they would call you and ida tell you to get your phone or show them your thumb. They do things as stupid as seeing a name in you fone and claim they are cultists asking you what their numbers are doing in your phone. Are cultists known by the face? Onwa must di something if he wants to be tops in the list of good Ansu leaders. Thanks Mr Best for this wonderful platform.
Unknown said…
@OJE thanks a lot for your wonderful opinion. I assure you that the President must hear about this. It shows you care about our school. Thanks a lot.

@Chioma...I knew you were going to be great after reading your comment. I became more convinced when I noticed you are a girl. We have hundreds of visitors daily of both sexes who will just visit but not comment. But your comment is an encouragement to GIST ME ANSU. God bless you. Daalu nu
MaryBen said…
I think d student's union government with d help of d school authority should put mouth into dis case cus these so called anti cult abi d cultist themselves re diverting frm their duty. They seriously need t be cautioned.
Anonymous said…
We have S U G and yet the so called anti cult still terrorize students this is no longer an ordinary case this should be looked into...i was personally harassed once by this same anti cult....
Gold said…
D guy gt moral
vickyleon said…
woooow wia dis guy dey sef. I want to borrow some liver 4rm him or her
Mr. Dulocs said…
na guy or girl
Private User said…
I don't think they should have direct contact with student with directives from school authorities
beautiful said…
Wowww. Wat a confidence!!!

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