Anambra State University House of Reperasentatives Sat Today

House members debating over the committee members of the S.U.G executives.

The director of Transport
The director of sports
And Embo Mz's committee of socials.

ANSU is getting better by the day!
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Johnprecious said…
Abeg make una debt well
Decency said…
Yea, dis year is truly d year ANSU got it rYt
vickyleon said…
big ups to all d present SUG executives, u guys are tryin.
gentle man said…
D house of rep are nt smiling
Gold said…
Diz present sug r doin gr8
Mr. Dulocs said…
we wnt 2 c dia wrk nd nt dia debate
Private User said…
Na them be th Senate... Great
beautiful said…
Wat were d issues discussed?
Evelyn okolie said…
Yes ooo

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