'Help! The School Authority Wants Us to Fuck Ourselves' - Students Cry Out

I came across this wonderful piece written by Macellipan. It is complaint to the Vice Chancellor. Macellipan is afraid that if care is not taken, the whole boys in the school hostel will turn homosexuals, while the girls will start falling sexually in love with themselves. The write up is funny but garnished with the truth. Continue to READ...

Dear Management,  
The university is the final stage of formation in the life of a student. It is a place where the nation's potential future is made.It is a place where what is learnt in the primary and secondary levels of education are put to test and refined if necessary. IS ANSU A UNIVERSITY? if YES, then what's up with the hostel accommodation?
I don't know why the boys cannot be given either of the new hostels to occupy, or why the females only are made to transfer to them, or why the fees of the new accommodation is to be doubled.
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as at 2012 commissioned the building of these hostels. we never heard them say " in collaboration with the school authority", neither did we hear " Meant for the females" so why the fee hike?
A common saying is it that " you cannot leave a goat with a yam", but i tell you "feed the goat enough palm frond and it won't seek the yam" .
have you imagined what the main campus will look like after the ladies are moved to the new site or how it will be when dominated by the males?
The student's opinion, the management have not sought. they believe it is for our own good. they say the hotels are too close. They say the boys are too rascal too maintain it. All these are their reasons.
the exploits in life is not a solitary one and two is company. The church today we know is dominated by the females. some still attend the religious activities because of that Sr. or Bro. they will meet. Some churches still flourish because of the active female participation. What will happen to all these when the males dominate the campus?
Morality is not taught with limitation as this. The students who live off campus, and live in same lodges with boys and girls being next door neighbors, or the co-habitation by some, yet we have not come to school any day to see those in skirts with inflated bellies.
Fornication you intend to avoid, do not promote homosexuality and lesbianism...
please... think again
Source: ANSU Forum


Anonymous said…
d schl shuld reali hav a rethink
Cynthia said…
How can they increase the hostel fees outrageously overnight...where do they expect the poor masses to get the money from?
Anonymous said…
The writer is not in the right frame of mind at all........ #no offense. Was he expecting male ND female to share a common hostel? Cus I don't understand the topic. And is he aware that the males have no hostel in uli campus?... at least igbriam has. and we are still complaining. Although I'm not in support of the hike in hostel fees... but the school management is trying... Cus I know the management wouldn't have a better way, and decide to apply the worse case scenario.

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