Seye, I hope you see this. (A love letter)

To be hopelessly yours: this is my fate; and more than conform myself with it, I rejoice with it! The possibility of not having you someday would frighten me... I´m feeling sad and lonely these days and I can´t help thinking of you. There´s nothing else I can when this crushing desire comes out of the blue trying to drag me towards you like a load-stone. The best way to let you know how I feel is this way. - Darlington  


Anonymous said…
My dear neva shw a gal so much love else u get kicked off and played with
Anonymous said…
Awwwwwnnn,,,m so in love right nw.What a romantic post
Anonymous said…
Nobi dis yoruba gul?she smells.dis boi no well
SEYE said…
OMG.......I'm so so touched and really dumbfounded....but must u publicize it? Anyway Darlington,ur sins are forgiven my baby,stil love u lik b4 though I was hurt,no one is above mistake...I 4gave u long b4 now.
Paddy said…
Eyaaa dis if fucking romantic
i ChoPtas Not said…
L♥√ع is a beautiful thing darlington, but the question is if she really worth the trouble,, again, you sounded like one still wooing the babe or caught a new fish...#Smiles

Hmmmmmmmmm.. You know you men can never be trusted esp the ones with sweet coated tongues... Still alright sha, you did tried well but will be more appreciated if you put all this effort into ur studies... Girl have always existed even before you were born, and will still remain when you go, so easy does it before you loose focus stalking
God Bless You Hun



i ChoPtas Not said…
L♥√ع is a beautiful thing darlington, but the question is if she really worth the trouble,, again, you sounded like one still wooing the babe or caught a new fish...#Smiles

Hmmmmmmmmm.. You know you men can never be trusted esp the ones with sweet coated tongues... Still alright sha, you did tried well but will be more appreciated if you put all this effort into ur studies... Girls have always existed even before you were born, and will still remain when you go, so easy does it before you loose focus stalking
God Bless You Hun



K-SLIM said…
I have missed this your long notes @ichoptasnot....As for darlington,guy you Bam oooooo...Seye you get luck ooo say guy love you 2 the extent of letting the world knw...make una NJOY!!!
Unknown said…
Anonymous 15:23, I'm so sorry to say that you are a definition of an idiot. What is your business with her tribe?
Unknown said…
ICHOPTASNOT please don't forget that they are youths and if they don't play love now, when will they?
Seye said…
Hey sis....tanks 4 having my bak,bt I wld v preferred total silence 2d anonymous comment,anyway.tanks once more.Mo dupe
SEYE said…
Tanks,I'm a lucky gal"wink"
OJE said…
Ichoptasnot....u'r suffering frm 'mental cancer'.
See a Doctor plz...
i ChoPtas Not said…
Lol.. Thanx and same to you OJE my Mental cancerous Brethren!!!
Paddy said…
Oje and icoptas make una no fight here o
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
gistmeansu y are u deleting peoples comment
Unknown said…
The letter is well written and precise too.

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