The outcome of ANSU Students riot and visit to the state governor

It's no longer NEWS that Ansu Students embarked on a 'peaceful protest' on Friday 23rd January. The protest was triggered by a text sent from the office of the school Registrar on 20th of January at about 11:37am, instructing students to pay up their tuition fees before 26th of the same month, as the school website would be finally closed.

On the 22nd of January, a text from an anonymous sender who hid under the name 'SchoolFeesCry' at about 7:15am sent a message which read thus:
"D registra givn us monday 2 pay d fees if not dimd 2 hv witdron 4 dis sesion.dis is a AcMERCILESS out on friday n SPEAK 4 URSELF PEACEFUL PROTEST"

The students then complied and shunned going school on Friday 23rd January, blocked the school road and stopped public transports.
Our able Vice Chancellor spoke to the students and extended the closure of the school website by one week.

At about 8:48pm on 25th January, the same anonymous sender with the name 'SkulFeesCry' sent another text saying the protest continues today and must be in government house.
A team of four persons represented the rioting students today and spoke with the governor. The governor and the Vice Chancellor, further extended the time of grace to 1st week of March.

The governor reportedly expressed anger saying the protest is definitely a product of mischief makers and opposition of the government.
He temporarily shut down the school, but after several pleas by the student representatives, he granted pardon, but promised to dismiss Ansu Igbariam Students if they don't behave themselves.

School activities therefore resumes in full tomorrow.

JohnBosco (JB) reporting for Gist Me ANSU


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