Juliet Asiegbu is dead!!!

Asiegbu Juliet is dead! She gave up the ghost on 24th of March at about 4:13pm. Information reaching me did not disclose the venue of her death. She reportedly died of Pneumonia.
According to a source who pleaded anonymity, the deceased was making plans for her traditional marriage before she died.

Juliet, born 4th July, 1992 was a 300 level student of Mass Communications department in Anambra State University, Igbariam Campus. She hailed from Akwaeze in Anambra State.

JohnBosco (JB) reporting for Gist Me Ansu.
Mr. Best is the Social Doctor!!!


Anonymous said…
Best naw u konw how it can get to when someone has pneumonia...Rip to her.. tho naw im scraed...

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