What is wrong with this picture?

What do you think is wrong with this picture? Something in it just sold Olamide out. He wasn’t alone, lol. What is it?


Anonymous said…
d white slippers behind him
Anonymous said…
Female slippers
merit said…
D Slippers oooh
Unknown said…
Youruba can be dirty
Anonymous said…
Baddest guy eva livet i respect u die

Unknown said…
Igbos are dirty, illiterate, backward and and are professional thieves and also despises their traditions.
Unknown said…
That N150 rubber slippers... Well, its not a bad site at all.. After baba drank garri on national tv.
i ChoPtas Not said…
@Oge..Respect ones tribe no matter what please to avoid animosity among another in these Blog...some words are better left unsaid...We are all one pls.."Unity in Diversity"...
@Damilola.. If you think by cussing back is the best way of resolving conflict then you are wrong...pls...Ignore/correct...being generic has landed you insulting ur Almighty Mr. Best whom you cherish so much..Yes, he is Igbo too.. So, pls i will take an exception to the above stated...Yes!..@i_ChoPtas_Not
Unknown said…
Abi oo. Damilola and Oge you people should not trigger tribal war ooo. How una dey?
Unknown said…
@damilola, u hv shown whom u r. There r smtins u ought 2 hv ignored babe..... Just me!
i ChoPtas Not said…
Madam Ij a lil correction will do and not being bias or taking sides pls.. Everbody can never be same remember...what about Oge that cussed first? Or u suddenly didn't see her cos she is ur fellow ibo???lol... Igbo kwenu....@i_ChoPtas_Not

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