An open letter to NAPS and the entire students of ANSU from Comr. Arthur Anekwe

My name is Comr. Arthur Anekwe, I represent National Association of Philosophy students (NAPS). I been wondering why some of us find it so difficult to understand the real meaning of the word ‘POLITICS’. Well, the last time I consulted my Oxford dictionary it was clear on its definition and I quote:
“POLITIC is a state of being sensible and wise”,  in other words a politician is a person considered worthy, wise and sensible. Now the question is, does politics really have to do with a ‘FEW’ and why? Does it mean that its only but a few that has sense of representing?

The answer is, people don't know the meaning of politics, while some people misunderstand politics and therefore take it to be "business" hereby trading with people's lives and end up having what I call ‘political business’.
If given an opportunity to write on Politics and NAPS, I will write out d evils of politics and also seek your opinion as the key to its end.  For I’m strongly of the opinion that it is a collective responsibility which needs no weapon of any type but the right materials that can fight the ignorance that we have accepted.
It is true that we can NOT be perfect but we can be better than our present state if we really want to. Life is knowing our reason of existing; giving a meaning to whatever you do really has a big role to play in people's life and can yield greater advantages. Learn to make an impact no matter how small.
I love Philosophy department, I love ANSU. Long live all of us...

Arthur is the incumbent President of the National Association of Philosophy Students (NAPS) ANSU Chapter. 


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