Senate house quashed the suspention of Afoma Victoria (Deputy Governor) and Willie Okeke (D.O.T) Igbariam campus. Read the full decision of the house..

In view of the letter of Appeal for justice forwarded to the Senate House of SUG by two executive officers of the Union from Igbariam campus who were suspended by House of representative Igbariam campus on Tuesday being 30 September 2014 for various reasons. The officers  are…
The Deputy Governor     Ndinojuo Afoma Victoria
The Director of Transport    Okeke Williams onyeka                                           
 The Senate House which under section 27 of SUG constitution 2007 is the highest  law making body of the Union after her emergency sitting on Friday being 3rd of October 2014 at Igbariam Campus has finally resolve and concluded as follows…..

(1) That without prejudice to the various reasons why the above named officers were suspended nevertheless it must be done constitutionally.
1st………section 1 of the SUG constitution 2007/2008 was the effect that “This constitution is supreme and its provision shall be binding on all members of the union (the lower house included)
2nd…….section 14(a) read thus  ‘it shall be the duty of every member of the union to abide by this constitution, respect its ideals and its institution.
3rd…….section 21(h)which provides the fundamental rights of all the members of the union was of the effect that “Every actual member of the union shall be entitled to the following right. subsection (h) the right to be placed on probation or suspension by the union Government. Only after a petition in writing has been placed before the Senate (not house of rep) by the president and such petition investigated and the result of the investigation duly communicated to the effected member by the Secretary General.
Having noted the above, the law is now well settled that Juridiction is the life blood of any adjudication and where its lacking, it would render any proceeding not matter how well conducted, liable to be set aside for being a nullity.
Having considered the above provisions of the Union constitution, the House of  Senate therefore under her inherent power as envisaged under section 24 and 27 of the SUG constitution which was the effect that the Senate shall
(a)Be the highest law-making of the body of the union

(b)  Have power to make laws for the peace, order and good Governance of the union constitution with the Act, statutes and regulation of the university.
And haven sworn to preserve ,protect and defend the constitution of SUG ANSU (NOW COOU) via section 169 of SUG constitution, we have finally resolved
(A)……That the said kangaroolistic suspension of the two Executive  officers of the union by the house of Representative(SHOR) Igbariam campus with Reckless disregards to section 21(h) of the union constitution  is Nothing but a total USURPATION of power by the house and its hereby declared unconditional, ultra vires ,Null and void and of no legal effects whatsoever for being inconsistent with section 21(h) section1(1)(supra) and section1(3) of the SUG constitution which was of the effects that…………IF ANY OTHER LAW, DECISION, ACTION OF ANY BODY ,AUTHORITY OR PERSON UNDER THE UNION IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE PROVISION OF THIS  CONSTITUTION ,THIS CONSTITUTION SHALL PREVAIL AND SUCH OTHER LAWS, DECISION OR ACTION SHALL TO THE EXTENT OF IT'S INCONSISTENCY BE VOID 
Its with this effects that the two suspended officers of the campus to wit(The Deputy Governor Adinojou Afoma Victoria and Director of Transport: Okeke William Onyeka is hereby RESTORED BACK TO THEIR VARIOUS OFFICES WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT, and their suspension by the lower house is hereby QUASHED.  And both the speaker of the lower house and the Governor (Igbariam Campus) is hereby reminded that the Union’s ethics opposes and condemn all types of operation and victimization through constitutional means. See sec 13 (f) of SUG constitution.
The governor Igbariam Campus is hereby advised to focus more attention on the activities or projects that will be of benefits to the entire student body rather than wasting time in ratifying A DEAD ON A ARRIVAL DECISIONS 

Okolo Henry Ejike
(SUG Senate President on behalf of the Senate House) 
C C:
The Vice Chancellor
The Deputy V.C
The Dean Students Affairs
Assist. Dean S/A
The Chief Security Officer
The Anti Cult
SUG President
SUG Sec. Gen.
Speaker (shor)
Notice board


Anonymous said…
Dem don collect moni be dat
Anonymous said…
The Willing Willie Is The Will Of the People...Nomatter anything you ar the best D O T so far keep on doin your Job cos only God wil pay.

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