S.U.G Speaker insists on the suspension of Afoma (Deputy Governor) and Willie Okeke (D.O.T), kicks against the decision of the senate.

Dear Mr. Senate president, I think that will never regret saying that you are still playing a preschool politics. The senate president should try and consult section 4 sub section (2) of the students union government. Constitution which stipulates that the legislative power to make law for the campuses shall be vested on the students house of representatives referred to as the SHOR of the campus. Section 44 sub-section (a) says that the house of the Reps, shall have powers to make laws for the peace, order and good governance of the campus, (d)i part of it says subject to the provisions of this constitution the  house of Reps, shall have powers to regulate its procedure.

    Please Mr. Senate president and the able senate house think of how to make policies for the betterment of the entire students than to be encroaching on the decisions of the vibrant SHOR house. Therefore, so long as this constitution remains supreme and its provisions shall be binding on all members of the union, so long as this sections of the constitution exists, Sec. 4 Sub-section 2, Section 44 sub-section (a) & (d)I, Section 70 sub-section (e) section 75 sub-section (d), section  sub-section (f) & (h) and section 157, so long as this sections of the SUG constitution exists, I hereby speak by the supremacy of this constitution and by the legislative powers bestowed on the entire House of Representative to make laws for the campus, by the power bestowed on me by the house of Reps. As the speaker, I hereby proclaim that the two executives Comr. Afoma (Deputy Governor) and Comr. Willie Okeke (The Dot) who were suspended by the SHOR house on 30th Sept. 2014, still remain on suspension until further investigations are being made concerning the case.
NOTE: Willie Okeke (Dot) was suspended by the SHOR house for alleged fraud, fund misappropriation and total negligence of the duty. While Comr. Afoma was suspended for gross misconduct and negligence of duty.
    In conclusion, we the SHOR house make laws that uphold, justice, proper checks and balances and laws that protect the interest of the great eagles and falcons. I Appeal to the senate house to join the vibrant house of Reps. In making laws and policies that will help make ANSU a pure citadel of learning then to be condemning the decisions and policies of the vibrant SHOR house who have started making steps towards achieving their set goals.
MOTTO: Attainment Jusctive Though Law Making.

Rt. Hon. Ikedionwu Ifeanyi John


Anonymous said…
What I fear most is power with
impunity. I fear abuse of power, and
the power to abuse, Just as Abraham Lincoln said Nearly all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power. I can see you are been intoxicated by power,

Section 67, sub section 1 to 9 gives you the guidelines for suspension or removal from office, Subsection 10 and I quote "Where any of the provisions of this section has not been followed, the impeachment will be declared void" The constitution never empowered the SHORE to suspend or impeach a serving Exco.

Mr speaker you have totally violated section 27 subsection (a) I quote "The Senate shall be the highest Law-making body of the Union"
Mr Speaker, you have totally insulted the sensibilities of all Ansu Comrades both past and present, if you an eager Law maker you should start your suspension with the Governor for violating Section 86 and 87 of the constitution.
Anonymous said…
stop playing politics with the entire Senate house because u think they are not enlightened in d system u deserve impeachment because u are a great failure u don't have any plans to take Senate house higher u assumed office only to be making policies based on wat the shor house decided the shor house made a decision on removing "turn by turn" u made it an issue to discuss in the senate house, u forwarded a letter for joint sitting with d shor house the speaker rejected u, u are the only and first Senate president that included ur self in an ad hoc committee just because of hunger this time around u are now encroaching to d decision of d shor house just to c if anybody will recognise ur office, please dear hungry Senate president u are being a disgrace to d entire senate house by reacting against the decision of the Senate house u deserve impeachment because u a vicious and very self-centered leader who doesn't have any ambition Senate president think abt ur life ur behavior and ur envious character.
Anonymous said…
sometimes people need to consult their Superiors before the take action. senate President wen did the Senate house made decision the Senate house could not reach a particular conclusion on this because of constitution which we don't have Senate president the constitution recognized only one Senate house which comprises of Uli and Igbariam senators there is nothing like reversing the decisions of the shor house by the Senate house please u need to apologize to the shor house and Senate house and also to the entire Sug for trying to cause a crisis in the school. u need to appeal to the Senate house to grant u pardon or u face impeachment because u over reacted and u made it known to the people that u are a hungry Senate president remember u never merited that seat ur opponent could have been the best think wise Senate president and try to be a good leader the shor house is very vibrant make the Senate house to be vibrant than stepping on people toes.
SEYE said…
That's my speaker....well spoken and supported,glad 2be a SHOR member,our decision stands...well done
Truly I am seeing d spirit of sportsmanship and politics of intellectualism going on but let me enlighten you both(Mr speaker nd Senate President),the first blunder nd abuse of office u both has done is to stoop ur powerful selves so low and rant words in public worst of all a social media. The best any leader wud have thought is to summon a joint sitting of both house and trash dis Microcosm of a problm thus leaders,I would charge and dear you both to ur own office to call on a public hearing on this subject matter and invite political gurus like us to observe your discourse and put you through the ryt channel. But Mr Senate president sir,with all due and unreserved humility and respect,yes if even the Shor has violated the provisions of impeachment(wch I am nt aware of d procedures though) d senate has no legal standi to reverse d decision of their fellow colleagues(d reps) u both(Reps nd Senate share same autonomy)cus u both are of same institutional power just that d senate is conceptually d upper house nd d reps d lower house. In a case like dis d persons in question are to go to court,or better still d senate can only legally lobby d house to withdraw such unconstitutional act.Mr Speaker I also humbly wish to inform you that in a federal setup,d impeachment(suspension as regards to SUG) is a decision d both chambers must unanimously concur with before such can hold especially in d case of d Gov or President. D senate really do not even need d Reps to melt such on either d Gov or d president. please this is not a free for all fight,its a little problm that needs intellectual dialects. RECOMMENDATION: I urge u leaders to find time and fix for a clear nd public hearing of this issue in order to avoid enmity between you powerful leaders. Thanks. D Boy Is Good. NAPSS 001 NIG

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