Boko Haram Visit TB Joshua's Church With Bomb, But Failed [PHOTO]

Boko Haram's Failed Attack At Synagogue Church Of All Nations! A young man allegedly a bomber sent by Boko Haram to cause havoc at Synagogue Church Of All Nations is said to have confessed LIVE on Prophet TB Joshua's Emmanuel TV!

According to the man who identified himself as Mustapha from Adamawa State, he and 4 others were sent to blow up the church. He said when 5 of them eventually got to the SCOAN junction, they tried to give one Mallam a bag to keep which was containing a metre bomb, but the Mallam refused.

So they entered a restaurant which was very close to church. They were eating and watching SCOAN when the man of God started praying for viewers. He said the prayers caused confusion. 4 of them took off but Mustapha was arrested by the power God and he came inside the church and started confessing...

He also disclosed how they get initiated into the dreaded Boko Haram sect and how in a dream he had he saw TB Joshua, telling him to stop killing. His words: “When I joined this cult, they wrote something with Arabic Language. After writing it, they washed it and I drunk it. That is the day I had the mind to kill souls.”


i ChoPtas Not said…
Stories that touches the heart.. Mtcheew!!! The other time was Jim iyke's deliverance; now, Boko haram insurgent confessed.... We ain't kids anymore na c'mon, Wonder how much they were all paid for these... Membership to me, shld be a thing of the heart and not through charade advertisement/marketing.. Church i suppose we all know ain't a social club or political ground where all manners of ill propaganda's are carried out.....#smiles# Mr. Pastor, you need try another strategy pls......Yes!

Unknown said…
I_ChoPtas_Not where have you been?
i ChoPtas Not said…
My dear Dami, life has sworn to be so busy for me since after strike............haven't been easy with me, But God Dey.. Trust u are good?

Anonymous said…
La wash
Anonymous said…
Am openin a branch of SCOAN in igbariam,LOL
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Dis is a true man of God

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