The Most Correct Answer Gets #20,000 Cash!

Jolly Master and Pastor Potipher said I should ask you guys any question of my choice. Whoever explains this better gets #20,000 cash for Christmas.
So because I preach 'entrepreneurship' as a solution to lack of employment in Nigeria. I have brought a related topic of my choice too.

Questions are :

1. In 2011, Mitt Romney released his 2010 Tax returns, and estimates for his 2011. It was estimated he earned $21million but paid $3.2million in Federal taxes which translates to 15.3% tax rate.
While Obama paid a tax of $162,074 from his salary of $789,674. Which translates to a tax rate of approximately 20.5%.

Take note: *Most tax payers pay around 35% tax rate.
Then America literally broke into pieces!!! Saying Romney earns more but pays lesser tax.

Why does Mitt Romney pay lesser tax? (Be detailed)

2. Do you know that most rich men in the world earn just $1 (One dollar) as a salary? :)
People like Mark Zukerberg (Facebook)
Meg Whiteman (HP)
Jerry Yang (Yahoo)
Steve Jobs (Apple)
Bill Gate (Microsoft) and many many others.
Why do they earn just $Dollar as salaries?

*Note: The both questions are very related
Answers must not exceed 1500 words. It can be bellow provided you are detailed.
Please reference your works very very well.
Answers must be sent to before 30th of November, 2014.
Consolation prizes depends on later sponsors.
For more information call (Mr. Best) 08037214678 or Add 26AF5C28 on BBM.
Goodluck!!! :)

*For students of Anambra State University Only!!!

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Add GistMeANSU on BBM: 26AF5C28


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