#ChildNotBride Protest! Peter Okoye Calls Senators “Mofos” And “A*sholes”

 Social media platform, twitter, is presently agog with the #ChildNotBride protest – a movement rebuking the Nigerian senators for approving the underage marriage bill.
Joining the movement, Peter okoye of Psquare, lashed out on all the senators that voted for such on his timeline with this tweet below;


Unknown said…
Your on point joor...leave those old perverts, they wont think of how to make naija better with beffiting laws na to legalize underaged marriage...just dae tell them.
Unknown said…
tel dem, dey r morons. Instead f making d country a beta place,dey jst sit dwn 2 implement illegal laws
Nelo..mass-comm said…
P.....Tell dem jare!buffoons in d name of human beings!
spiffy acc edu said…
Is gud dere re ppl hu speaks against dose mofos cos dey dnt knw aw it pains to be given away at a vry tender age
Unknown said…
Seriously they all suck...calling em assholes is an understatement...they are verified motherfuckers

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