G.M.A readers please answer me

"Mr. Best, I frequent this blog a lot and I love the manner of which your readers respond to questions. 
I have this problem on my neck, I pray your readers would help me with suggestions.
I am an engineering student from Uli campus, that is all I can tell you about myself please. I always admired my best friends girlfriend when they were dating and wished she was mine. But recently, my best friend broke up with the girl. I still feel something for her, what do I do? Do you think it's wise I start dating her?"


Anonymous said…
Hmm, your situatin is realy critical. I would advise you to stay clear!
Paddy said…
Guy if not for the way you praised G.M.A readers I for call u enemy of progress. u sure say no be you put assunda for dem love mata?
Baby Oku said…
pls feel free to love the girl. the guy pay in bride price?
Anonymous said…
ndo dear
Kosi said…
hahahah, hw u wan take date ur bestfriends ex?
Chinwe said…
I think the best thing to do is to tell your best friend.
maybe he will understand. then again maybe not.
you can't help who you fall for in life.
And you have to remember that even though he is your friend now
not all friends last forever.

So if you really like her i would go for it.

good luck.
tell us what you decide.
Anonymous said…
Talk to him. You guys can't hide it for very long and it's better he find out from you then someone else. If you lie to him your going to end up losing a good friend. He might be hurt but I think he will understand if you explain how much you really like her.
Finnest said…
I guess there are no other girls in the whole world. Get control of your feelings. I guess you like drama more then you value best friend. You're stupid, and I hope your b/f finds out and dumps you both!
kAzzy -Medicine said…
ou shouldn't go out with your best friends ex girlfriend. That's what my boyfriends ex best friend did. He went out with my boyfriends ex girlfriend and they are not friends anymore. They were for a bit but that was when his ex best friend was just doing "stuff" with his ex, not acutely going out. Their not friends anymore. They don't even talk to each other any more. They have known each other since they were like three and they do not even talk to each other anymore. Both of them have just changed as well. The ex best friend loves to drink and my boyfriend loves getting high but hates drinking. It will destroy your friendship if you go out with your best friends ex girlfriend. There are plenty of other females in the world, why not choose one of them and still keep your best friend? It's worth a try.
Omuta Okuzie said…
I had a very similar case

I introduced one of my best friends (female) to another best friend(male), in a few days she called me up and told me that he proposed to her and she accepted, i warned her that he is not the right person for her but she didn't listen anyway a few months later they had continuous fights and broke up so she used to call me every night and complain about him - after some time i felt that i should be with this girl but i had the same feelings you have right now and i kept delaying it and delaying it for over a year, we used to meet everyday, go out every weekend, speak for hours over the phone, everything but i did not have the guts to tell her or tell my friend. finally she decided not to speak to me as i did not take the relationship seriously from her point of view.

i suggest you not to repeat my mistake - do something.

Anonymous said…
Eee...tough one...but honestly i say u let her go. its in the bro code. your friend still likes her..bros before hoes..i dnt mean to call her a hoe but u shud know what i mean..good luck
Anonymous said…
Pls ma dear, dere is nafin lyk frnd in dis world most specially wen u mk d ryt one. Dnt do anyfin dat will jeopardize ur frndship wit ur best frnd bcos f feelings dat will 1 day become smfin else. I will advice u 2 let dat ur fwend knw abt ur feelings 4 his ex nd if by any chance no more interested in d gurl he might den giv u a go ahead order bt if he is still interested in d gurl den mk sure u reconcile dem. Dat shows a 2ru friendship
beautiful said…
Imagine ur comment?
beautiful said…
For God sake he is ur best frnd, r U even listening to urself, how can you date his ex, ders notin like a good frndship my Dear. Don't spoil ur frndship ova dis. Infact for dis U should not b considered a good frnd.
Guy go 4 ha...since she no d wit ur frnd,since u luv ha
Unknown said…
Nwanna do u know abou the bff rules...u r not in aniway meantto date ur bestfriend girlfriend....
Unknown said…
Life is too short to be spent in missery...
Unknown said…
No matter what you do in life, people will always talk, it is simply human nature.
Unknown said…
No matter what you do in life, people will always talk, it is simply human nature.
Unknown said…
Well...I am not here to tell you what to do, I only want to tell you that no matter the decision you take, make sure that you have no regrets tomorrow...afterall your not even sure if the girl will accept you, even if she does, you can never be sure if it is just to make her ex(ur best friend) jealous.
Madam Gold said…
If u are sure, u are not d cause of the break up just go ahead and marry her instead of dating if u do that u are not answerable to anybody not even ur best friend
Spiffy acc edu said…
Be kiaful nt 2 mk mistakes, mk sure u let dat ur fwend knw abt ur feelings 4 his ex nd if he still loves d gurl he will definitely tell u nd if he did nt he will also let u knw den u knw u nxt line f action cos guys ve a unique way f understanding
unique vivi mascom said…
my dear pla i advice u leave d gal and find anoda galfrnd.dis heart u see can change anytym to wicked and mean.so to avoid many problem which wil com pls live and let go d gal.tnk u
beautiful said…
Zodi. Don't u knw d universal moral rules of Bff? Rule 1. Neva date ur bff ex. Its not done. Unless u guys wanna play games.
Unknown said…
Beautiful I guess your right though...for me as a person, I wont conceive dating my friends ex not to talk of doing it...but when emotions get deep, these things are mere opinions.
guy no man has a gril he has not payed for she is all yours and she would say yes cause she knows you better than any other guy .but note your friend will hate u before he loves you again thats if you guys are best friends forever

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