G.M.A readers, pick a wish!

Pick onething you want God to do for you..

1. Admission..

2. End the strike

3. Two months strike more.

4. I need a gf / bf..


Paddy said…
G.F jor. stike can go on
Anonymous said…
Two months strike more
kossy said…
Gf abeg
Anonymous said…
hahaha womanizer....EZE
Unknown said…
More strike joor...
Unknown said…
More strike joor...
kelvin bkf said…
Unserious student...other skulz done finished deir exams oh
Spiffy acc edu said…
End d strike joor
nwanma emma eco said…
none of d above jooor. Js wish more moni in my acct every oda tin can follow
Becky pub said…
@emma eco i support u,i need moni more dan anything nw so more strike plzzz.
Unknown said…
Thats the spirit Becky, the strike shall continue so that we keep doing what we like most.
unique vivi masscom said…
end of strike
uche acc said…
end d strike
Private User said…
End of Strike... And knowledge lol
Unknown said…
just passing
beautiful said…
None of d above.
Hu b diz
Anonymous said…
More money biko
mike said…
ansu result upgrade and post utme help and admision help, cal 07059144431
Anonymous said…
More money joor
mr bobby said…
more money and more strike
mr bobby said…
more money and more strike
Spiffy acc edu said…
Na so moni go kill all f una ooo, mk una tk am easy o
nwanma emma eco said…
abeg real men knws d value of moni. Wit moni u can enjoy dix lyf wit strike or nt. Ofcus gf will cum
Anonymous said…
End d strike joor mak i go c my bf
Becky pub said…
If u wan see ur gf go em hauz nah.
stephanie psychology said…
Lyk seriuzly,so sum beinqz r rily enjoyn dz strike,mi prayn 4 a call off ASAP!!

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