Akon suggests that blacks move to Africa following Zimmerman's acquittal

Akon took to his Instagram page immediately after the 'not guilty' verdict in the George Zimmerman trial and suggested that African Americans move back to Africa. He wrote:
Every African American in the United States need to move their money, family, knowledge back to Africa were u will be treated like the royalty you are. You don't deserve this treatment. This is not your country!!
He's Senegalese, but lives in America and he's asking the real Americans to move to Africa. What do you guys think?


unique vivi maascom said…
na dem sabi.bt wil dey agree to return to africa
Unknown said…
Hmmmm....well, there is a price for everything, thats their price for living in the land of milk and Honey.
Spiffy acc edu said…
Maybe he suggested dat due wot he witnessed or smfin
beautiful said…
I think he is high on something. Maybe hard drugs. Dis is a stupid talk nah.
Private User said…
I wonder how the court's verdict acquits George Zimmerman not guilty upon his crime of murder which was called manslaughter and he's been acquitted and set free. The killing of the 17 y/o Trayvon Martin (Born Feb 02, 1995, died Feb 29, 2012) in what was called a shootout is a case that confirm that within the gated community, Sanford, Florida and US itself, racism still exists.
29 y/o George Zimmerman (as at 2012) did not kill the teenage boy in a shootout, not in self-defense but what I may call race-depression. He made a call to a Sanford Police Dept using the non-emergency line report an issue. In his statement, it show that he's a racist thought he's Hispanic from a multi-racial background.
Akon is right about what he's saying. All black-americans should find their homeland and return to their home where they would live with respect and comfort.

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