Sign the petition!

I just signed the petition "United Nations: Stop The Nigerian Senate From Making Under-Age Marriage The Law!" on

It's important. Will you sign it too? Sign HERE


Spiffy acc edu said…
Does it mean dat dis little gurl is married. God! I cnt bliv dat...
mr bobby said…
na lie hw will dis small gal go married northen pple dey mad ooooh
Private User said…
Under-age marriage! :-(
Ezechiwotalu Psychology said…
Mr Bobby dey dia u dnt knw de belive to marry a virgin
joLi master said…
wel i dnt blame dt mugu dey all wich 2 marry virgn nke na akaghi aka lt dem mary 4rm wumb nw so dt dey gt it as dey wich pure virgn nw wt do u tink?
nwanma emma eco said…
if wishes whr horses. D husband of da gal shud be castrated
unique vivi mascom said…
wat is dis world turning to?for crying out we re now in modern civilization and nt back den

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