Jay z sends Rihanna a warning letter

Rihanna has managed to anger the last person in the world she’d want to upset, Jay Z! According to reports, Jigga has grown increasingly irritated with Rihanna’s wild behaviour. 

The singer has repeatedly arrived several hours late for her concerts and this concerns Jay.

Jay has reached out to Riri a few times but she doesn’t seem to be listening so the rapper has since sent her an official warning letter. Let’s see if this gets her to pull her act together.


Spiffy acc edu said…
Hmmm mk dem tk am easy o. I 1da wot dier faith will be deze daiz. Lol
Na d effect of illuminati
B4 u kwn it na death u go hear,illumnati at work...na d primary level dem d,en neva reach high level
Unknown said…
ha. Easy man b4 u both do smtin rash....
Unknown said…
Super story.
Private User said…
Is the letter threaten her career? What says the warning letter?
Private User said…
It doesn't seem cool
exmenty said…
birds of d same feather flock 2geda. Let dem settle their differences, wat concerns agboro wit ovaload
Anonymous said…
ile fo illuminati

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