Singer JahBorne Passed Out On Cossy Orjiakor's B00bs


Anonymous said…
Mehnnn as a woman with large boobs i have to say this woman must have very low self esteem. Its just sad how she feels this is all she has to offer and stay relevant. I know how focus is always on our boobs wen big but to knowingly put them out there this often and never in a classy way...i feel bad for her for real. No woman wants to be seen as a peace of meat
pADDY said…
What a pity. Sometimes I wonder what she really is, a prostitute? Or what!!
ONLY ME said…
cheap,sleazy slut.flaunting her fake overgrown boobs al arnd.shes more like a groupie now.
Shes old news by d way¿.#yawns;->
Kosy said…
mehn shit
breast of life ooooo
glad for dose guys dat gat a silicon pillow to rest dia heads on.
d breast is getting more useful by d day.
Unknown said…
No b small tin oo..y is it not ma head on dat
Unknown said… is a free world and I believe thats why she is making full use of it when it comes to showcasing her endowment.
Unknown said…
Carry gooooo....Mrs Endowed.
Spiffy acc edu said…
Hmm tins dey appune 4 dis lyf oo, 4 one 2 die in sm1 boobs hmm i tire nd d gurl herself is so shameless as 2 flurt around wif her boobs setting trap 4 whom 2 catch, anyway dats lyf 4 us shaa
beautiful said…
Dis girl is a shame to Nigeria. A real shame and big disgrace. I don't knw how dese prostitutes will b celebrated.
Private User said…
This talk is trashy. Just throw away this talk and forget about it. Big Boobs or no big boobs, idc
jovial said…
hw cn a learned lady b dz shameless as to b flurtin around ha God's givn boobs if nt fake sef...Buh anyways we stl gat sum stupid nd irresponsible guys hu were evn wshin deir heads to b d ones on dat scarlywag's boobs..Its a big shame

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