You won't believe why Rihanna prefers short hair to long

When asked by a fan on her instagram page if she preferred short hair to long hair, Rihanna replied saying she preferred short hair because long hair 'gets in the way of her BJs'. Jeez Rihanna, who says that on social media? Lol. But she's keeping it real tho. Check it out after the cut...


Unknown said…
She is keeping it real, with the hair style, more over, it fits her wella for sure...
Unknown said…
The short hair style looks prettier on her, she is simply a world class beauty.
Unknown said…
dats a nice style..... It fits ha
Spiffy acc edu said…
I ve always known ha wif short hair nd dat always serves 2 ha fittest. M glad she knws wot fits ha cos nt every1 dat knw wot fits dem
unique vivi masscom said…
everybody shuld knw wat fits him or her.fir rihana she prefers short weavon

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