Vote! Who is ANSU Igbariam's Shortest

A.      Mr Best
B.      M.I


Anonymous said…
Mr. Best
Paddy Pol.Sci. said…
Jenny said…
Its clear na. Mr. Best
Unknown said…
Mr Best, the truth be sae you short eee...but you no be the shortest for Igbacamp.
Unknown said…
The only thing there be sae you be the shortest among the popular figures for school.
Mr. Best Okereke said…
Taa..mechie gi onu. Na me be the shortest
Unknown said…
Na him be sae you no dae Igbacamp be that na...,even if you cut your hair, you can never be the shortest.
Mr bobby said…
Mr best
Anonymous said…
Biko mr best na u b d shortest
Private User said…
I'm sorry Best. I'd say that you Mr Best are the shortest that I've seen lol
IGWE said…
even blind man can c dt. Na mr. best
Unknown said…
Shortest man in scul.....chaai Mr u na
I will not say u re d shortest man in ansu bt d truth is dat u short pass MI
nwanma emma eco said…
mr best u short joor. But u no be shortess for igba camp

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