Beauty of the week!

Current Miss Accountancy 100L...
For her contacts holla me... 08037214678

*Sponsor your friends/B.F/G.F to be our next face of G.M.A for just #5000/week.


beautiful said…
She is beautiful.
beautiful said…
She so deserve to b here unlike some previous once.
beautiful said…
Kudos to you Ada.
Abeg na only beatiful dia hia?.....makk una comment na
Unknown said…
Lookin sharp
Unknown said…
Congrats dear...
Unknown said…
You look ravishing, just like the former miss philosophy.
kazzy said…
I prefare d former face of GMA to this one ooo
Paddy said…
nwanma emma eco said…
e b lyk say d formal one better. We still av beta gals for camp
Unknown said…
wel sha she get am jøor, nwa u pack ... Congrat
blessing said…
She's pretty,she deserves it
unique vivi mass com said…
das kul,she is beautiful
Spiffy acc edu said…
D gurl mk sense. More kudos 2 her
Private User said…
Lol... Señorita...
creamy chic said…
We acc girls no dey carry last.
blessing said…
D gal is so on point
Neme said…
Shez fine oo.
sly said…
d second gal she contested wif z bettter dan ha.cos she messed up on ha dinner wear,i dnt knw weda d judges were so blind to ve noticed dat.d secnd gal z more preferable infact she was superb.i prefer ha more dan anyhw sha,u try small.jst sayng
Anonymous said…
She make sense jooo, how can i meet you guys for the next face of the week. I'm somehow interested in been the next face of the week for GMA.(HEROINE KATE)

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