Man sets pregnant lover ablaze

Culled from

    Until June 23, not many could have suspected that all was not well between Emeka Agu, 28, and his pregnant girlfriend, Miss Bidemi Akinsolufe. That night, disaster struck in their home in Ayobo area of Lagos, as Emeka allegedly set his lover ablaze.

    The reason? To prevent the lady from charming other men with her beauty. Nearly a month after, Bidemi still writhes in pain at the Gbagada General Hospital, even as Emeka awaits his date with the law. The reporter met the badly burnt lady on her hospital bed and she narrated what led to the sad incident.

“I started dating him last year but my boyfriend is very jealous. Even whenever my sister called me, he would want to call back to be sure it wasn’t a man that called me. “He was working before and had his own place but he later lost his job and had no place to stay. I secured a mini-flat in Ayetoro and asked him to join me there.

We had been living together since then. “Recently, when I took in, he asked me to stop working and I did. But he drinks a lot. He spends his money on alcohol and I always told him that I was worried that his liver might be destroyed. He doesn’t trust me; he thinks I date other men.

“He used to work in the night as a bouncer in a hotel. The day before he set me on fire, his former boss had summoned him and I thought maybe the man wanted to offer him a job. So, on the morning of that day, Sunday, June 23, I called him to know if he had gone to the man’s place.

As we were speaking on the phone, he told me he was already high. And I asked him why he should spend his money on alcohol when I was hungry at home. “I was angry, so I went to report him to his friend. His friend then called him and talked some sense into him. But when he knew that I was with his friend, he became angry and accused his friend of sleeping with me. He said he would suck my blood for sleeping with his friend.

I was even explaining to him that I couldn’t be sleeping around with my pregnancy but he wasn’t convinced. He began to call me names, that I was a useless woman. He later said it was all right, that he wasn’t angry again.

So, I went back home. “When I got back home, one of my friends told me that Emeka had reported me to her, saying I locked him outside in the rain. So, when I got to our apartment, I begged him and my friend also begged him. He said he was no longer angry but I didn’t know he still had plans to deal with me.

“After a while, he pretended as if he wanted to go to the toilet and while walking past me, he suddenly gave me a terrible slap. Then he began to beat me. In fact, I had never been so thoroughly beaten since I was born.

He had only slapped me on two earlier occasions. That night, I was yelling for help but I guessed people weren’t hearing me outside. I was crying and threatening to pack out of the apartment. “Then he said he would destroy my beauty. But I didn’t believe he would do anything so devilish.
Then he went to the kitchen, brought out the stove and poured the kerosene on me. He lit a match and threw it at me and I was burning. I rushed to the kitchen to get water but he was pushing the buckets of water away. I was yelling and crying.

Then after some time, he began to say to me: ‘My babe, your face is burnt, I’m sorry.’ “I didn’t even know that my face was badly burnt. I initially thought my hands were the only parts affected until much later when I saw my face in the mirror.
“When he realised the damage he had done, he began to beg me, saying he would marry me. He said I should stay inside, that he would go and get raw pap to apply on the burnt parts of my body. But as he wanted to go out of the apartment, I followed him. He said he wasn’t running away, that he just wanted to get the pap and get back. And I said okay, but I was following him.

He kept pushing me back but I insisted on following him out. Later, one of our neighbours, a man, knocked on our door and asked what was wrong with me. He replied that there was no problem but I shouted that the man should come in to save my life.

I told the man that the door wasn’t locked, that he should push it. Eventually other neighbours came and pushed the door open and I immediately ran outside so that everyone could see me. I think that was when I passed out.” After she lost consciousness, some of her neighbours quickly rushed her to the nearest hospital from where she was transferred to the Gbagada General Hospital. Meanwhile, the neighbours also alerted the police in Ayobo, who came to arrest Emeka.

Bidemi also told the reporter: “He told me it was the devil’s handiwork but I know God would repay him. I leave everything to God. I have been hospitalised here now since then, and my people have been spending money on me.” “Initially, I thought no man would want me any longer since he had destroyed my face. But my people said no, that they wouldn’t allow me near him again.

They said he should write an undertaking that he wouldn’t come after me but I’ve been told that, even with an undertaking, he might still try to harm me. I will have the baby but he must never ask for my child. I want him to face the music. I want justice to be done.”

Bidemi’s mother, Mrs. Nike Adeyemi, also spoke with the reporter. Said she: “Some good neighbours took my daughter to a nearby hospital and asked her boyfriend to stay with her there. They then secretly invited policemen to arrest him. We are already in court.” “I have spent all I have to treat my daughter.

None of Emeka’s people has paid a dime out of the heavy hospital bills. We have spent over N200, 000 now and we are still spending. The doctor said we would need, at least, N500, 000 for comprehensive treatment for my daughter because her face and hands have been badly burnt.
You can see the wounds are still looking fresh even after over three weeks. I don’t even have any money for her treatment any more.

I’m so fed up. One of Emeka’s sisters came to me with policemen from Ikoyi. She offered to pay me N40, 000 so that the boy would be released. I refused to collect the money because I said it was even an insult for her to offer that little amount when we were being asked to bring N500, 000.
“I don’t even know where to turn to for help. Please, help me beg compassionate Nigerians to come to our aid. I don’t want my daughter to die. I think we will also have to do something about her pregnancy because I don’t ever want her to have anything to do with that boy any longer.”
The reporter spoke with Emeka’s sister, who allegedly offered N40, 000 to Bidemi’s family. Her words: “I don’t know what to do again. I didn’t know when Emeka and Bidemi started their friendship.

I didn’t send him to set the girl ablaze. I’m even tired of everything. I am a widow myself and I don’t have money. I have even used the N40, 000 that I offered her to take care of some other issues. I’m tired of the whole issue and I don’t know what to do.”


Paddy said…
That Emeka is evil and should pay with his life.. I cant even start to imagine the trauma, horror dat this girl had to pass through.. now she will hv to live with a burnt face and hand for d rest of her life.. Bidemi, if u will ever read this, if they happen to release him, wait for the right moment, lure him and cut off his manhood.. shove it into him mouth and make sure u push it down his throat!! Jealous my foot!!
Sandra said…
Dt guy is a psychopatic manics y ll u do dt 2 a lady,wt if smb did dt 2 his sista he ll b d 1st 2 ask 4 d head of d person who did dt,ladies d signs were dere in d 1st d jealousy and screaming all of dat still yet u gals ll still stay in d relationship see d aftermath nw ds is soo pathetic biko wishing u speedy recovery.
Anonymous said…
God pls tak us away 4rm evil man/woman....human beings re
Amaka said…
This is no love at all. Women stay in this kind of relationships just not to be alone. It's better to remain lonely than get burnt by a lunatic. If love becomes someone to fear then get out. Don't wait to be wondered before you act or say "you leave God to judge" women, we all must be the judge and jury of our lives. It was given to us not to men for them to keep for us.
Anonymous said…
This is a huge problem. A big problem for the guy who couldn't trust his girlfriend and he has taken everything over his head. Ladies hate this act of 'policing' them, monitoring their every move even with stupid questions. How will guys feel if your girlfriend is doing that. Wish her quick recovery and safe health.
Philip said…
Imagine T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ height of wickedness. That guy must be a devil's incarnate. Hmmm,may God help that young lady τ̅☺ sail through this
Kossy said…
@Mr. Best it 19th dis friday. D guy dat did dis lady like dis is sick upstairs,and d aunty dat is offering money is not well,what kind of non sense is dat,na wa ooo.make dem lock d guy up well well and lady I wish u quick recovery.
Unknown said…
Wickedness from the pit of hell.
Spiffy acc edu said…
Chai! Dis a wickedness f d highest order. Aw cn sm1 burn sm1 let alone his gurlfrnd 4 sm stupid reasons. Dats an assault 2 humanity. Dis is also a lesson 2 gurls, wen ur bf is behaving d way u dnt even understand, just knw d nxt move 2 mk. D emeka or woteva he calls himself tot d gurl was cheating on him, if so y did she allow him 2 live wif her. Sm guys dnt even fink @ all. If she is cheating she wouldn't ve accommodated him cos d guy will definitely find out. Well! If in ma own accord i will say dat d guy dont even luv d gurl bcos if he had luved her he wouldn't get d mind 2 do dat. I wish d gurl quick recovery.
unique vivi masscom said…
scholars re yet to bring out d adjective to qualify d man wt, dats nt jealousy
Private User said…
End of Strike... And knowledge
Private User said…
It's a bad thing. Nawaoooo
beautiful said…
Jesus, wat a pathetic life. The Emeka is a real devil. I pray d girl won't hv a permanent scar.
beautiful said…
D man should suffer for dis abomination. It is really appalling. Dis world is bcomin too wicked.
mr bobby said…
d man hug trans4mer 4 dis
mr bobby said…
dis wrld is wicked oooh
nwanma emma eco said…
love is wicked!
okafor ada said…
Dis is insane

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