"I'd die for Yvonne Nelson' - Iyanya says

Iyanya was a guest on youths program Rubbing Minds this afternoon on Channels TV and according to the host of the show, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, Iyanya said he would dine with Genevieve, die for his ex girlfriend Yvonne Nelson and dust off another ex, Tonto Dikeh during a chat on the show. What does 'dust off' mean? 


Unknown said…
Hmmmm...to me, that sounds like bragging, based on sae actress dae trip foram...any way, all in all, this is your time just dae flex joor...you too much.
Unknown said…
guy na ur tym, u don dey form tinkn say na u get em all....na u b olingo...flex man
unique vivi mascomm said…
talk is free, we don't recharge to talk so keep on talking
mr bobby said…
talk na mid nite call talk as u want na u get ur mouth
Spiffy acc edu said…
Dis is a free wrld anyway, he cn say woteva he wnt bt dis dust off f a tin is d 1 I dnt understand. Anyway dats his biz
joli master said…
mk una free dem jorr im ft tlk any tn,2 me dt dust off iz 2 cut her out of his mind since im dn bangam as im dey b nw,abeg lt dem jolificate ds iz a free world lol...
johnbless said…
4 ya mind u dae tink sae u b james bond

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