"I am happy I am an Atheist' - Seun Kuti says

An Atheist is someone who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being, (God) or beings (gods). Seun explains why he is happy to be one in a message he posted on Facebook yesterday


Unknown said…
dia z God....bt we hv our own blv...xo 4 him dats hez blv
Unknown said…
diaz no nid f him pretendn...... Z beta hez proud f his blv
Hmmm...abeg dia is God ooo
somayina's blog said…
Oga na disease be that.
Spiffy acc edu said…
Gud 4 him, every1 has his/her own bliv
unique vivi masscomm said…
who is a believer
drizzy_ace said…
That nicca is fucked
drizzy_ace said…
That nicca is fucked
beautiful said…
Dats his choice. Can't judge U.
Mr. Ðûlöç$ said…
Beliv or no bliv we knw d 2rut

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