Mr. Handsome

You guys have complained a lot about girls being the face of G.M.A, now meet Bobby Ezebelu. Political Science. 200L 07038467577


*Sponsor your friends/B.F/G.F to be our next face of G.M.A for just #5000/week.


beautiful said…
Hmmmm. No comment. Jst passing by.
Guy mak una cheer u our guy up
If na galz una go comment
Unknown said…
Mmmmm....I reserve my comment.
Sandra said…
Anyway he tried shaa
Anonymous said…
No be only try he dey handsome!!.....Click and register to get money....
Ejoh big said…
No be only try he dey handsome!!.....Click and register to get money....
Unknown said…
guy na inwere ya, u r handsome,infact handsomest
Chike,,ACC said…
Hmmm,even bobby!!
Anonymous said…
Bobby carry go...d HON P.R.O of NAPSS u 2much carry go kudos
unique vivi masscom said…
he is handsome.keep it up
Spiffy acc edu said…
Y una dey hmm, dey lolz abi d guy no fyn
Anonymous said…
Mr.Best,pls try and update us on when the registration for the second choice post UTME will commence.Thanks and remain blessed.
beautiful said…
I tink dat won't b now. Maybe two wks time.
beautiful said…
But wait for dis result first b4 tinkin of 2nd choice.
Unknown said…
With the population of students who wrote the first choice, I must confess that the second choice candidates have a thiner chance to get admitted.
abbanna said…
omo my cant belive wetin i de see....bob kudos
sly said…
hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahhah bobbylistic bobby u too much jooooor,ride on.handsomest.

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