Dear GMA readers:: Is it okay for a woman to propose to a man?

From a female GMA reader 
         Could you please ask your followers if they believe it is okay for a woman to propose to a man. The reason I am asking this is that today I and my cousin were watching the reality TV show Love and Hip Hop and one of the ladies on the show proposed to her love interest. My cousin then said ''she has no self respect''. I was rather shocked because my cousin is female and I did not expect this from her. My point is that, it is the 21st century. I do appreciate that not everyone and even some females do not believe in gender equality but I just want to understand why this is such a big deal.


spydee said…
Hmm ...daz wot we guy do see nowaly, a girl will first approach a guy fo a friendship
Ezechiwotaru Psychology said…
4 me notin bad abt dis
Unknown said…
It is a free world and more over these things are matters of the heart.
Paddy said…
Notin spoil jor. Me want make babe chyke me sef
Madam Gold said…
If you want anything go for it,irrespective of male or female. Its not a bad idea
Spiffy acc edu said…
I agree wif u Zodi. Dis is really a free world nd u cn lay out ur mind as u wnt. Its nt a crime 4 1 2 say her mind afterall its d feelings f d hrt
comr Arthur said…
It is so possible fr a woman nt minding anytin to propose to her man,bt some time sometin is usally attach to it,either d woman is getting old or having one problem or the other,well in the other hand its so obvious that wen a woman loves,she loves for real,it is written and I quote,"one witout d other is noting".wit love all things are possible.....
Na normal tin na
Anonymous said…
It is an easy but a hard task. This is for me ooo, an act of lowern ones dignity. How can a woman proposed to a man? It is absorbing (HEROINE KATE, Health edu dept)
Nelo..mass-comm said…
As 4me nope it isn't gud..
mr bobby said…
omo na 4kup be dat
unique vivi masscom said…
hmmmm, speechless
Private User said…
Putting everything aside including gender equality, Everyone ought to do things the way they want and like since making a proposal to a gal or a guy is not a crime or offense.
nwanma emma eco said…
hahahaha xcept if d man is a doughnut. Da is no cash nd mayb d babe gat d dough. Abeg a woman cnt marry me i will propose wen am ready

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