I am not dating Betty!- Stormz

The RAP artist yesterday debunked the rumor in saculation about his being in a relationship with Betty via him BBM.
La wash...

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Unknown said…
all artist r same,...dey enjoy denying anytin relationship..... Nawa o
Na true @somto....eat n deny
somayina's blog said…
Lol...stormz which way na...I knw say u holy...*wink*
mr bobby said…
Anonymous said…
Betty of mass comm? Dat very ugly and swagger less girl, I won't be surprised if she is dating him, d guy looks like her type of guy..ugly Betty dat wants popularity by fire by force which doesn't suit her....am sure it's dat old woman in final year mass comm, dat is deceiving her...ugly and dirty birds of d same feather....mschewww
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahahahahah, no be say dem say, betty is ugly infact u wowo. I wounder who be d bf abeg run 4 ur life and leave dis dirty stormz to fuck am well. Two fools
Anonymous said…
C as U̶̲̥̅̊ guyz jst dey tak drugs 4 wat certainly is nt Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊r biz nd insultin pp dat ve done ntin 2 U̶̲̥̅̊ ,seriously if U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt ve anytin gud 2 say beta shut up nd read oda pp's own,,,
somayina's blog said…
Lol...dis anonymous guys y u guys being so harsh on Betty...hope its not wat am thinking.
Anonymous said…
Very dirty stormz...
Anonymous said…
Can't stop laffing....two ugly creatures
somayina's blog said…
Dating or no Dating it shudnt warrant insults...we all have flaws...to me she's cool,her faults isn't my effing biz.
Anonymous said…
Dis began as a joke bt ryt nw is seriously gettin out of hnd,stormz is nt datin betty,dey re jst gud frnds nd ve acted movie 2geda,haz our law also 4bids a guy of havin female frnds or a gal male frnds?? Stormz is beta dan sm of U̶̲̥̅̊ dat re here callin him names,instead of U̶̲̥̅̊ makin a name 4 urself jst as stormz U̶̲̥̅̊ re here criticisin him 4 d crime he did nt do nd haz no intention of doin...
Anonymous said…
Lmao....dis anonymous, e be like say d babe no try dis one u pour out all ur anger and it's like it's only dis somayina guy dat is supporting her....u Don fuck am before? haha haha.. i hope her pussy is not as ugly as her face. Ooooopppssssss.
Anonymous said…
Who is talking abt not knwing wat we are saying, "SAINT" everybody is just airing his or her view so shut dat tin u called mouth. Ezi
babyblinks said…
She z cool, plz stop insulting her
Paddy said…
D guy dey flirt shaa. Me knw am wella
Anonymous said…
The two of dem fit sef....Betty knows she is ugly, she shud hide her face and stop doing by force popularity.. Dats it...she will be buying awards dat doesn't fit her status...na so they yab her for mass comm nite say she be ugly betty..plz dis is a blog, everyone is airing his or her views....if u don't like d comments, u can go to hellll! who cares? Martina cares!
Anonymous said…
Bia!albino blinks no evn think am b4 i face u now...see blinks dat sleeps in kings nd queens...lmao
Sir Chude said…
Wow!! Stormz and Betty are really celebrities oh! See fans and haterz. Haterz abeg watch out my own news will come out soon so u can insult me 2. I'm really impressed, thumbs up my nigga Stormz!!
Anonymous said…
Pls you really nid eng tutorials!!!no hard feelings
Anonymous said…
U r a looser if this is wat u call popularity....i beta remain anonymous
Anonymous said…
Albino blinks lmaooooo...is it not dat one dat claim she is a fire dancer....smelling thing... mscheww... Ansu girls dat fuck around for popularity... see albino ooo Lmao.... u irritating popularity ends in otoko...
Anonymous said…
Exactly! I concur
Anonymous said…
Chude ebe ka E is???
Anonymous said…
They are celebrities ooo! Beauty or no beauty. Fuck beauty! Who even says shez ugly?
Anonymous said…
And so
Anonymous said…
Betty dating storms..... Yeah... Who the fuck cares... That i must be popular by force girl.... Who really cares who she is dating... It's not my whala........ Abeg make them call off this strike....
Paddy pol. science said…
Anybody who cannot find his/her feet in a school as small as ANSU, outside ANSU we're u have a bigger world u will remain a nobody! Blinks I love you.
Anonymous said…
Celebrities in otoko alone because d kind of people dat lives there sef are amateurs.
Anonymous said…
Celebrities my foot, sure say betty no fine pass u way dey talk??
Anonymous said…
Celebrities in otoko alone because d kind of people dat lives there sef are amateurs.
Anonymous said…
It's not ur wahala, but u came here to comment...am sure u are one of betty's ugly friends...getaway from dis blog and stop commenting if the thing no concern u...go meet Goodluck for aso rock make him call off strike... Ewu mpama
somayina's blog said…
Some pple are going crazy about odas trying to attain popularity with insults witout even knowing that they have just helped them gain more of it...weda ugly or beautiful...na u fine pass?...success aint seeing da looks but the struggle...
somayina's blog said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
See fool ooo.... lmao.... tortoise like u
Anonymous said…
Is der anytin wrng wit sleepin in kings nd queen???
Anonymous said…
Dis somayina guy, e be like say u wan win Mr best tablet.... u just dey hustle dey upload comments, dey pretend to be good guy. ure on a long thing... if u like support Betty, no tab for u. Ntooorrrrr!
Jideofor Physics Uli said…
Cowards hide!
somayina's blog said…
Funny enuf u are talking abt Tab and num of comments,I guess u'v not been counting ur comments all along...grow up...dis is just a blog...not a boxing ring.
Princess Mass. com said…
Lol... Galaxy Tab seaker!
dat same rugged chick said…
Hahahahaha @ d tab seeking guy den 2 chude who is stormz bestie...i wish u all luck""fact remains stormz nd betty r both ugly,loyal fans deal wt it cos dy r both aware of dis
Anonymous said…
Betty take heart but am sorry to say dis...it's obvious dat majority of the people in ur school don't like you...Do u have a bad attitude? or force urself to belong? Or a snob? Or do u move with d wrong crowd? Am sorry but if people keep saying bad things abt u, u can't progress in d outside world be cos dis people can kill ur career and dis same pple wuld help u lift ur career if u were nice and cool. What's ur talent in ur school? Do u sing, dance or u do runz?
So ill advise u, amend ur ways...wen one is good, one is good... at least more pple will like u more Dan haters... i read on dis blog one time abt a miss mass comm being giving d crown she was denied of and everybody dat commented, has something good to say about her. But urs is so bad and irritating. Pple can't just assume u are dating d storm guy, there must be an evidence in one way or the other! So my dear ugly betty, follow d right people dat will give u an edge and stop following fools.
Sir Chude said…
A non-existent scum refers to me as a looser... Oya winner tell me y u have no identity n poking ur nose where it doesn't belong?
Anonymous said…
Omo u go fear letter naa!! Nawa oh. U shld be a social worker.. My professional advice
Anonymous said…
Use ur brain....i use anonymous cos am not intrested in d fucking tab! Gerrit? If I was, I wuld use my name...oh u thnk my name is anonymous? I laff at ur low iq.. u shud be a security guard at d gate not a student. Fat pig! Ewu! I
somayina's blog said…
JeeeZ! Can't stop laffn...they are ugly...and sooo...pipo lyk u guyz are the rizn y pipo lyk dem succeed,,cos while u are hating and pointing out faults,dey are growing to d brim.
dat same rugged chick said…
OMG!!am inluv wt u*mwaah...lol@ma dear ugly betty
Anonymous said…
U guyz shuld stop spoiling STorMZ name..he is such a great guy.and pls stop insulting Betty.cos if she had d chance 2 create ha self she would have been beautiful..even if STOrMZ is dating betty is non of ur FuCkiNG biz..it is his life nt urs...
Sir Chude said…
I accept dat dey r ugly, now how much exactly is ur beauty worth? And if u're so beautiful hw come u're not d topic of 2day instead of d ugly ones?
dat same chick said…
Honestly,i'v bin trying 2 figure out wat u r buh i guess i v 2 rest ma case,i really cnt qualify u absolutely nt wt ur 350 shades nd 250 top nt evn polo....tnx
Anonymous said…
Am sure it's Betty dat wrote dis particular comment... Betty don't mind dem, na so God take create u... i will buy MBGN form for u next year inugo? I love u sis :)
Unknown said…
You all are just hating on her for no reason???where were all of u guys when she won 3 awards..2 from dept and 1 from school...smh...am still finding it hard to belive that some jobless asses will come here and talk ill about someone better off than them..you know what?you guys are just envious about her success but its not going to bring her down...talking about swag where were u guys when she won the award miss swag,miss eloquent and most social...yea its true when one is making it in life people will start hating on her..lol you guys are saying that she isn't beautiful are u any better??...y don't u put all of ur pics let's take a good look at them am sure u guys are so ugly...betty dear if u happen to read this post,you are one of the best things that has happened to Ansu..u are decent,beautiful and well mannered...haters should kip hating while u keep making it..people will surely talk ill of u buh don't care..and as for ya'all stormz aint ugly..he is out there making it too so kip hating..stupid asses...mmmttteeww
Anonymous said…
@ dat same chick... i love u for dis.. lmao.. galaxy tab seeker indeed.
somayina's blog said…
Hahahahahaha...350 shades and 250 top...it was even cheaper dan u guessed and they were my best...u can hate me u can call me names,it doesn't change my personality,I'm a blogger I'm used to dat.
Anonymous said…
Shut up mumu, she bought all those awards, no award is free in Ansu. She wants to get popular wen she does not have d calling. wat success is dat? Wat is her talent? Buying awards here and there. Am sure u were broke if not u wuld have bought award too...
Anonymous said…
See galaxy tab seeker ooo lmao
Mr best its circulation and not saculation
Olodo mumu and u own a blog and can't write properly? I shame for u.
Sir Chude said…
Lmfaooo!! Omo dah one dey!! Rugged chick on fire! I feel u joor oh
Anonymous said…
You y u no buy am? Broke ass. Na ur condition worst sef. U no dey ashamed ur mate buy pass 1 award u siddon as mumu wey u be.... Dey here dey whine mouth
dat same chick said…
@ ds particular junction....m sorry,u hear buh betty nd stormz still ugly
Anonymous said…
StorMz is a great artist and am sure he will soon BLOW HatERZ
Anonymous said…
Dis one does not have sense oo, wat has she done for Ansu? Did she build classes? Or repair our roads? Sit ur ugly as down.. tell ur ugly betty friend to stop fucking all Ansu guyz because she has inferiority complex abt herself

Focused Junkie said…
Look @ what lack of weed is doing in our lives. What if we all love each other and make clouds 2geda? Weed is love. Please pass the blunt...
somayina's blog said…
See me see wahala ooo! Did u see such english in any of my comment. Lmao...abi u dey use yash see...
Anonymous said…
@ dat same chick
Latest news men!!!! Am feeling u... ugly wit no mercy!
Anonymous said…
Hey it nt betty
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha no b small masscom nit!!!
Anonymous said…
You, how many u don do? Mumu. Ashawo pant 7 colours!! Na u go knw say she fuck all boiz coz u dey fuck 4 free gossip. Shameless idiot
Anonymous said…
Guyz slow down tout we were here 2 settle StorMz and betty case nt 2 throw abuses on each oda....menh u guyz shuld grow Up...u still insulting each oda as if u still a child
emmy mass comm said…
Chai! Who z dis person? U r only a big fool y nt discose ur identity if u r nt scared. FOOL
Anonymous said…
Hey@ dat same chick u are such a big tym hater and am sure u use Ugliness bath 2dae...I can see it on ur face NOZY PARkeR
Anonymous said…
Beauty Agric Faculty said…
laffin,,,laffin nd lafin..... SMH... Ur all are really funny..pls i heard dey calld strike off 2day do u knw if its tru?
Unknown said…
Who Is this anonymous fool here??...go and get a life asshole!!!y can't u show ur self??oh? Cuz u are a looser that everybody knows..likes of u don't desreve to be alive...am sure u aint in 100 lvl so quit behaving like a kid..jeez!!..and for the awards y didn't u buy it...cuz u are broke too??..quit commenting here cuz ur identity is unknown looser!!..just shut up and give that hole in your face a chance to heal...and if u comment here again..I will know that you are psychologically imbalanced.and as for the betty you are still making her a celebrity..we all know that a poor man rarely has haters buh once u are making it haters are bound to come..so u scumbag go get a life plz
dat same rugged baba said…
Hahahhahahhahaha....i was actually commenting as anonymous buh i decided 2 add a name....stormz went 2 gt family members"hahahahaha...see emmy dat smells lyk public toilet...emmy try sure men/hot ice..tnx
Anonymous said…
U asking d wrong Guy...u dis jobless trunt...u shuld beta b ashamed of ur self cos u are not making it hopeless coward@ emmy
rugged baba said…
Zombie talking....if u'v sumtin 4 d plate mouth stormz..meet him up nd stp trying hard via sum1's blog...tnx
Anonymous said…
U̶̲̥̅̊ guys α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ makin dis luk like a big deal,betty nd storms datin does it call 4 alarm.......dis shows how jobless d both of them α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥
Unknown said…
Why una dae comment pass for this post?
Anonymous said…
(Miliki frm pol sci department)
Anonymous said…
(Miliki pol sci department).. We knows that there is no way MR STORMZ, an ANSU best rappar who has won so many award both in skul and outside skul. He was once students best rappar south east zone. Wil bring himself so low to date betty. I know MR STORMZ verywell.and Igbariam students don't know his level when its comes to area of music. Pls u pple should stop blackmailling him
Anonymous said…
NNEMELU MARYANN pls if u don't no what 2 say, u beta keep ur mouth shut... What do u no abt MR STORMZ and his music career? Which award hv betty won? Departmental ward and u wanted 2 compare her with most famous student rappar in south east-political zone MR STORMZ..... Mind hw u talk joor (frm miliki pol sci department)
Chinenye eco said…
Miliki thnkGod 4 u oooo..sayin betty is ugly is undastandanl bt scallin stormz names shows its jst hand work of haters..dat fyn sweet boy wit swag in masscom..dat boy totally turned d crowd upside dwn at d SUG nyt abeg mak una no go dia oooo..u shud b beggin him to sign ur autograph nt sayin all dis..storm no mind dem jooor u r too much..u r good rapper
Oscar pol.sci said…
STORmz is d ansu best rapper so news abt him is bound to spread nd as d saying goes if nobody tok abt u den u r nobody stormz myman dis shows hwfr u wil go wit ur talent..kip it up bro..u r already dia..I luv. All ur musik
D.o.T said…
STORMz n betty masscom pple luv u..u guys r makin us proud..STORMz mascom best artist wu wan try him?
D.o.T..mascom said…
STORMz n betty masscom pple luv u..u guys r makin us proud..STORMz mascom best artist wu wan try him?
Alicia ENGLISH said…
Stormz we luv u pls hw cn I get ur songs?
chisom masscom said…
Betty is beautiful she gat class nd she's talented who among u is beta dan her...she acted a movie wit stormz I guess dats wia dis rumour is cmin frm...anyway both of dem ar celebrities dats y they r makin news...u pple tokin bad abt betty hwmany storys abt u is makin news...mydear betty kip doin wat u knw best hw to do...ur talent is yet to explode...onwebero ihe ha furu
Anonymous said…
U guys don't understood d politics BETTY played... She want MR STORMZ to date her, dat was more reasons y she went ahead 2 publishe dis fake news on gistmeansu (frm mr miliki)
michael said…
Stormz pls no mind dis peeps I nid to dwnload dat ur song "wen I step on d stage dis chics ana ada ada" ur lines a bad na u be ansu phyno ..bro u too bad
Innocent C said…
Innocent C po sci. I taught they were dating shaa,or is it dat they are frends wif benefit.lmfao
Queen Pub Admin said…
etty and Storms are really celebrities ooooo,90 commnents! within a couple of hrs.Incase u don't knw betty I admire u a lot cos u ar a beautuful,classy n talented young lady,dnt mind ur haters I fink dey ar jst jealous or probably wanna date u bt dey no reach n if dey ar gurls dey jst wish 2 b like u....
Hu b diz guy wey d mak noise hia
Melasky said…
Funny, Betty is a star in the making. Watch out! Jesus was hated and is still hated till today. I don't think she would be worried.

Melasky~ Agric Eco
Anonymous said…
@NNEMELU MARYANN Point of correction she bought those awards.. Ugly betty didn't get those awards on merit
Spiffy acc edu said…
Hmm! Wots all dese 4. If u in any way ve a case wif either d betty or storms den u go nd settle ur differences nt making noise here pls
Spiffy acc edu said…
Hmm! Wots all dese 4. If u in any way ve a case wif either d betty or stormz den u go 2 dem nd settle ur differences nd nt making noise here.
jenifer mascom said…
Wats dis tin abt betty being ugly wen we all knw she's beautiful n dresses well,I paid no attention 2 dis rumour initially cos I knw its impossible,unless is nt d same high class betty I knw bt I ges is high time i stand up 4 d truth.So mr anonymous abeg which of d awards do u think she no merit bcos?cos I'm aware of d 3 awards.Is it Ansu miss Swag? She's 1 of d best dress female wit even swag in Ansu since her yr1,which we al knw her 4,Is it Ansu most eloquent female student? Her voice alone na die! N we al see hw she anchors events here in skul,e.g mascom nite n ACCA nite.Finally mascom most social,she's nt only a social person in mascom bt in ansu aswel n dts y mascom came out in mass 2 vote 4 her as their VP,I witness d election myself.So Mr anonnymous go n get a life n stop insultin n beefing pips dat ar succeding in life.N even tho u ar nobody feel free 2 go buy an award.opps! I 4got ur broke!I'm so proud of u beautiful betty n handsome storms,d sky is ur starting point!
unique vivi masscom said…
wen u re gud ppl ll try to get u dwn or let me say, wen u re beta dan someone he or she ll be looking for a means to get u dwn bt nt knowin dey re only promoting ur popularity. BETTY dnt allow dem to get into u. weda is true or not,u knw d real truth and d reason y it happen. for dose of u abusin and causin ha maybe is bcos she is prettier dan ur gf and sisters, pls stp saying dat one is ugly cos u re nt d person creator or God
cintia pol sc said…
Betty n storms as couple's? Hahahahaaa! I laugh in spanish! Its so obvious u guys dnt really knw who betty is,she can never stoop so low 2 date a guy in her class...besides I hrd he has a girl frd in his class,so I ges mr best ran out of stories n decided 2 use her name 4 publicity bcos he knew people wil want 2 read abt d legendery in Ansu Superstar BETTY.
Alvan pol.sci said…
Dis anonymous of a person hia is only one person usin different I.ds to try n shatter somones name...may u remain anonymous 4 life in jesus name!!!!...am a blogger nd I knw hw dis thng works I follow ur comments nd its one person doin dis....u r usin different I.d to bring dis great pple dwn...stormz is a gud artist while betty is an entatainer..she cn sing,act,dance,present,she speaks fluently wat else do u want..u r hia hidin unda d guys of anonymous..dat wil alwys be ur status in life dats myprayer
Pretty said…
Pls stormz I nid to hear doz ur songs hw cn I get dem..send me d link or if u dis is my pin 313D2FD8...if u r on bbm u add me up so u share me d songs
Unknown said…
Dear Anonymous,

Alvan is right! We have been monitoring your I.P. Clap for yourself, if it were you, I am sure you would like people to abuse you openly.

Please note, that this post currently has 306,093 views which comprise of ANSU students from both campuses and outsiders. Yes, we want people to know that our school exist but not to wash our dirty linings in public.
Daalu nu.

Yours in Amebo,
Mr. Best
somayina's blog said…
Thank you Alvan I love matured minds...I knew dat dis anonymous jealous hater was just one person switching I'd's...such people neva succeeds in life cos dey spend there whole time castigating and trying to point out oda pipo's flaws,nt knowing that even doing dat is a flaw on there own part...ride on bekky and storms.
Anonymous said…
Were did dis monkey come out from? I hope it's not dat 400 level mass comm student dat thinks she can dance...
Anonymous said…
Ugly betty is ugly...very very ugly... case closed!
Uche masscom said…
Lol @pretty hmm u ar already givinout ur pin to stormz u no wait mak dis mata die ist...thumbs up stormz...u r goin places...u r nw bcomin more famous ....see hwmany comments....gosh...all thnx to d anonymous fool anyways...he's makin u guys big....luv u betty cn I knw u more...I admire ur swag n style
Anonymous said…
Oh for God's sake... With this useless mass comm or should I say mass fornicators... Get a life..... Betty is such a fake girl as for dressing.. Fashion crazy. Needs the fashion police to adress that.... For her behaviour.... She is such a big snob..... She is trying so hard to make herself popular.... By the way which movie did they act cause I checked nollywood recent movies and i don't see anyone featuring Betty and stormz.... Oh i remember that your local movies that you go to achalla village 1 and awkuzu to go and act.... What a pity... That's not a movie that's a local drama..... So if you say Betty is a celebrity i don't see her owning a pile of cars... I don't see her appear on the celebrity news section in silverbird and nta talk more of our local Esbs.... So she is not a celebrity you might wanna watch the mouth.... As for stormz... That's the first time am hearing that name
. A rapper in this south east best one award..... Yeah I think we all know he bought the award.... And by the way his rap music i don't hear them play it on radio or tv... Talk more of mtv base... Channel O
.... Sound City and the rest of them
............... And if both of them are dating..... Who cares
.. They both fit each other after all they're both ugly and they belong to the same department mass communication or should I say mass fornication..... Hahahahaha
Anonymous said…
Again Mr best removing someone's comment..... Are you afraid of facing the truth about your friend betty...
Jessy agri eco said…
Dis anonymous is rili as foolish nd as jobless as...cnt u see we knw wat u r doin pls continue commentin nd continue makin mrbest to mak his money...as 4 stormz d sky is his limit..bro u r gud...u cnt pull him dwn
Presdo rich said…
I've being kippin quietnd observin thngs happenin hia.$..I learnt dat its jst one person dat is usin faking I.d to write rubbish comments..jst knw dat u r being tracked n if we fish u out u wil be in anticult cell..stormz n betty r pple dat ar known in d skool 4 dia goodworks..wat r u known 4?..jst pray u r nt caught
Austin unizik said…
Stormz myman u r bigger dan.$.thumbs we gat ya bak..nnekwu mmanwu
Dido masscom said…
U wil ask ur self dis anynonymous y r dis pple u r tokin at nt connentin they dnt hv tym 4 all dis rubbish they busy tryin to push up to d nxtlevel u r hia workin soo hard to to rubbish pls continue nd as u do u r makin dem more popular
Mega boy said…
Dis anonymous r u sure stormz n betty is nt payin u?d way u r helpn dem promote dem is amazin ooo...bt u no get sense..d story u came up wit is too fake...try somthng more real...nobody wil bliv wat u r sayin. Hia...dat stormz is ugly...lols..hv u seing stormz b4?...sweet fynboy wit swag if u want I cn send u his pics...or mrbest hw cn I send pics so dis fool nd d whole ansu wil see sweetboy...anyway u no get yan u r jst as jst bless as asuu n FG wey put us into dis condition....we luv stormz...u dy mak us proud bro
Senior man markettin said…
Finally d thief is caught...we nw knw d truth anonymous run 4 ur life b4 mpiawa asu go cm carry..abest hw do I get stormz songs
Sky...mr BUS.admin said…
@creative world d anonymous is nt even doin any harm he or she is doin good by promotin dia names....we all knw d truth dat stormz n betty r good peeps..so dnt tel d anonymous to stop pls let him/her continue promotin dem...
Unknown said…
Abeg It don do for una...wetin sef?
Michael said…
Mr.best pls hw cn I dwnload stormz songs pls
Anonymous said…
Omg! I love dis comment! Ure on point! Big time ugly snob!
Secret admirer Pol sc said…
I really Doubt if betty is really dating storms cos I've always seen her as a vry expensive gurl and I don't fink any ansu guy can pay her bills,I've always had a crush on her since my year2 bt kinda of afraid 2 tell her so I jst admire her 4rum a distance....Saying She's ugly is jst like saying 2face or dbang are poor.Mr best pls reveal d annonymous 2 us let's knw d jobless tin dt has bin spoiling dis 2 celebrities name.I Luv U Betty N we ar proud of u storms.
sandra mascom said…
I'm jst glad bcos I know d betty I knw will not be moved by watever d jealous annonymous I've bin saying abt her,she's probably in lagos presenting as a part time staff 4 TVC Lag or anchoring events.And storms probably in a studio abt releasing anodr wonderful song.Lol
Harrison said…
No b small talk sandra,I've seen her 1ce on tv,handling a red carpet on event diary bt dt ws last year dec.Now tell me y won't she have haters?wen she's full of talents.
Chibuzor markettin president said…
Pls mr.best hw do I contct stormz to get his songs...he rili thrilled me in d SUG nyt of all d artists dat performd in dat SUG even d guest artist....his performance is d only outstandin performance...pls stormz n betty d anonymous is. Jst one person usin differnt fake I.d to bring u pple dwn...bt luk at hwmany pple dat commented good abt u pple...dats shows hw good u pple ar...pls shud continue d goodwork...stormz pls I nid ur songs share me a link
Anonymous said…
And how is dat ur biz too?? It seems u re a frnd 2 beTty?? D best tin u can do 4 her is 2 advice her..pple like her re in d zoo eating banana..y is she always seeking 4 attention*spits*baby monkey like her!!!aish!!! And as 4 u Storms all wateva dey call u y d publicity stunts??
Anonymous said…
Y u no go support am *smh*attention seekers!!!no go pour dye 4 ur body!!! Dey dia dey kip face like trailer
Anonymous said…
Eziofia kip waving ur silly flag!! E be like say she don buy u okpa b4!! Article of no commercial value!!cheap thing!!
chinedu bus. admin said…
If they ar sayin storms is dating betty bcos dey acted a movie 2geder,den dey wud soon start sayin she's dating zino aswel cos they did an interesting dance performance 2geder durin mascom niyt or mayb richy her co cooperate MC during Acc nite.Ansu student n their poor mentality,pls grow up!
Anonymous said…
Bro its nt ansu students pls dnt blame it on us..its only one person dat is sendin diz rubbish comments..usin different fake I.d$$$we all knw d truth..stormz nd betty r good..they r makin ansu proud nd u r hia tokin rubbish
chinedu bus admin said…
Then wat is this annonymous persons problem,could it be inferiority complex? Or he or she jst wants 2 get close 2 storms n betty n don't knw hw 2 go abt it?Dnt wori dear annonymous hater,cum n meet me so dt I will introduce u 2 dem,o?Funny enough no 1 even sees dem 2geder in skul apart 4rum d movie dey acted 2geder,so I wonder where d rumour started 4rum...
cintia masscom said…
@chinedu, nt only haev we not seen storms n betty 2geder bt also betty has never b seen on a spotlight with any ansu guy unless on official basis,even d jst frds dey ar even sayin I doubt if she evn knws where storms stays nt 2 talk of dating him.And who else started d rumour if nt best.pls mr best d nxt time u want 2 publish a false rumour try using a more realistic story....
Queen Masscom said…
Pple just judge 4rm afar and its nt nice, av worked wit betty, and I discoverd da she is a sweet and kind hearted person. Anyways am nt rily surprised, cos one wil always have critics, esp wen ur doin well. So my dear betty, keep doin wat ur doin, haters will always hate, but don't 4get dat admirers are still der.
oyinye pol sc said…
Mr best we know u wanted 2 use storms and betty 2 draw our attention 2 your site cos dey ar stars but I think Richy and betty would have made more sense for your rumour @ least richy stil reach small for betty pass storms...check dem out when dey anchored for Blue carnival,dey'll fit 4 a couple,prest richy ask betty out na,at least u are d president of pol sc n she's d vice president 4 mascom.Hahahaha
Anonymous said…
I think I would agree with oyinye. RICHARD AND BETTY saga would have made more sense than this one
... Lolz.... It will be kind of cool....
cheekay said…
That's nt so important 2 post...they may b secret lovers or so..dts dere bizness anywayz.WHO CARES?
Mr. Ðûlöç$ said…
Follow me ask
Mr. Ðûlöç$ said…
Hey guyz wats appnin hia

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