New Security Outfit Claims Success.

The new security outfit lead by D1 says their gallantry has paid off once more in their fight against crime in the campus. According to them, they recently recorded successes in their bit to ensure the safety of students as instructed by our ever active Vice Chancellor.

*The carnival takes place in both campuses
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beautiful said…
I don't undastnd dis post make I no lie.
Even mi i no undastand iz weti u mean
Unknown said…
Abou d anticult squad.....wateva
Unknown said…
Everybody just dae claim sae them no understand the post...plz if you dont understand the post, read it again.
Unknown said…
Our anticult squad are really trying ooo...though I dont see its relationship with this post.
Spiffy acc edu said…
I hope dey do us beta
Unknown said…
nwanne, make dis pple no dey post rubbish
Unknown said…
no b outfit mata, bt na 2 curb d meanace in our skul
Unknown said…
Well, it is a free world.

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