Question of the day

A situation arose in a family, the man earns N250,000 a month and the wife earns N350,000 a month and they work in the same company. One of them has to leave the job because it's the company's new policy that couples will no more be tolerated. Who do you think should leave the job with effective reasons?


unique vivi masscomm said…
abeg d woman shuld leave d job.d husband will remain.its nt right.she can find job elsewhre for now
Nelo..mass-comm said…
The man has 2leave cos since d woman earns higher even though d husband stays..he wud still b receivn d same amount..
Unknown said…
Well, this is a tough question but for me, I think that the woman should leave the job...afterall it is the duty of the man to be the bread winner in the family, and more over, in situations where a woman is working and the man is not, the woman will always defile the authority of the man.
Unknown said…
And such situations wont be to the benefit of the marriage. The best thing to do is for the wife to go and look for another job even if the pay is not as good as the former, afterall money is not everything though it is something.
Unknown said…
nwanne. Since d woman earns higher,d man should leave nd luk 4 job else where while dey use d womans salary 2 take kia f d family 4 d mean tym
unique vici masscom said…
das nt proper.a woman cannot control a man,let her leave
Nelo..mass-comm said…
D man leavn d job doesn't mean d woman wud control d man if dia is commitment in dia marriage..
Unknown said…
Leave that thing, it is in the nature of women to seek superiority over their men...if the man leaves and by some means, didnt find a good with a good salary, lets be sincere here how much respect do you think the woman will give him?...
Unknown said…
The woman has to leave
Nelo..mass-comm said…
d man has 2leave..
cyprian jideofor egbosiuba said…
y u makin unnecessary arguement nelo...... it is meant to be the woman to leave that is to show the respect she has for her husband......and also for the ske of the bible
Anonymous said…
Its nt gud 4a man 2leave his job bt it is 4a woman in d name of RESPECT..women are gud 2bcom housewives..i dnt blame u men na..see d way u guys think..its worthless arguin wit u guys wen it coms 2dis..
Nelo..mass-comm said…
What is unnecessary in wat am sayn..its jst dat u men won't admit it..u guys can't sacrifice for a woman bt u want it d oda way round..
beautiful said…
Dis is really difficult. Well it depends on who will hv a beta chance of finding anoda job. Can't say who should leave or stay.
Unknown said…
Hmmmm...well any couple who come to the bridge, they will find a way to cross it by the Devine Grace God will give them.

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