Nigga Raw storms ANSU for S.U.G night (Rumour)

I heard that Nigga Raw is one of the artists for this years S.U.G night. What a good news if true. What do you think?


Mr. Dulocs said…
why nigga raw, why not wizkid or kcee
Anonymous said…
I pray say wizkid go come
Anonymous said…
Nigga raw has beta stage performance dan wizkid and limpopo master, he owns d east coast and kips d crowd live for hrs
Oga said…
no be lie o
zeno blaq said…
at least its beta dan slow dogg!
but ansu stingy o, dem no wan release beta money abi?!
Johnprecious said…
I love nigga raw 2 cum joor
Anonymous said…
East coat babe yack see Ʋя life Nigga raw lover
Flames said…
Nigga Raw is gonna make it hit, I too gbadu d guy performance.
vickyleon said…
nigga raw nwanne
Anonymous said…
Ikon bera pass all of dem no be wash u guYz shud give chapter5 a glance dem go storm sug nite e sure me@vale
linton said…
SUG cnt pay him oh so dia z no nid of askn weda he will come or not
Private User said…
I no sabi Nigga raw
Private User said…
Come or no come, SUG night go dey

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