PREDICT AND WIN 750Naira worth of MTN Recharge Card!

Predict UEFA Champions league final between Bayern Munich and Borrussia Dortmund and win 750 Naira worth of AIRTIME!

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Mr. Dulocs said…
bayern wins no more no less. 08065603600
VICTOR said…
dortmund is gonna win 07036019569
Noni said…
D cup is already in munich
Eizie said…
Bayern 2-1 Dortmund 08039765132
Johnprecious said…
Bayern and dortmund go play pk and dortmund go win.08132980663
vickyleon said…
wash wash
Unknown said…
I must make sure I surprise active visitors of this site.
Anonymous said…
Best I believe u die ur words no da fall reach groud wat u said u will do u will sure do to predict for d match buyernmich will win 2_1@vale
linton said…
No comment till dat day
Anonymous said…
Name: Clever Score: Bayern3-2Dortmund 08087553683
Private User said…
Bayern was the winner @ last.
Private User said…
It was kinda great match
Private User said…
It was kinda great match

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