Should I Go After Him or Give it Time?

Mr. Best, I really love your blog ,not just because it's the first in ANSU but because it feeds my romantic soul! I struggled with sending this email but I'm losing my mind so I hope your readers can help me. I apologise if you have addressed a similar issue previously but I couldn't find anything so here it goes....

I met a great guy some years ago now. It was like fate because he was in a different country but his friend met me and instantly thought we'd click. He was right, we did. We talked on the phone for about 3 months and then work took me to his location so we met in person. He had visa issues so he couldn't come to me in case you wondered. Before I went, we had great communication and we talked every day and for several hours on the weekend. He told me a lot of things, some that were very sensitive (visa situation e.g.) and he also opened up about his family etc.

I knew I was developing feelings for him but I forced myself to wait till I met him in person before I truly let go in case I wasn't physically attracted to him (seen him on skype but still needed to see him in the flesh) but the minute I laid eyes on him my heart leapt out of my body and right into his hands. Sadly, he didn't return the favour and whilst we spent all my free time together, he would just stare at me and say he liked me but he needed to process what to do with the relationship.

This led to a lot of frustration on my part (after all, I'd given our children names in my head) so the idea of "let's take it one day at a time" was the last thing I wanted to hear. We kissed but never went further but he bought me flowers and took me to lunches and dinners. I met all his friends and attended church with him. I left frustrated that he hadn't committed but glad I had a good time.

I'm ashamed to say, I hounded him daily with questions like where are we going? What are we doing? How do you feel? Completely oblivious to his situation at the time ( struggling, not able to work whilst waiting for papers), all I could think about was how we were both mid to late 30s and we needed to marry. After all, I accepted him with all his problems so what was the issue? I was so childish, it didn't even occur to me that I couldn't move to his location because I didn't have the visa either but I was in love and I thought that was enough.

Eventually, he had enough of my nagging and he walked away. He stopped taking my calls and wouldn't respond to my emails or texts. As we were not in the same country, I couldn't physically go to beg him and I was too ashamed to involve the cousin so I just let it burn and try to get over the pain. It messed me up so badly, I started to go to counselling. There, in the last 6months, I've learnt to see my mistakes. I'm not saying he was perfect but I definitely handled things terribly. I used to get so emotional that I would yell, cry, scream, anything to manipulate him into moving faster. He never said he didn't care or me, all he said was wait.

I was sad that I could have contributed to the demise of our relationship but I finally accepted the situation and started to move on. Suddenly, without warning, I got an email from him (nearly a year after we last spoke) and all it said was "I was wrong, can I call you?".

Stunned, I froze but eventually agreed to talk to him. He missed the time he was meant to call and I went beserk. All the counselling went out the window as the rawness of the pain came back and I felt abandoned all over again (all this because he didn't call when he said he would) and I sent him the rudest ugliest email, called him names and showed out all over again.

I realised my mistake as soon as I hit send but it was too late. I had to email him an apology and ask him to please call. He replied he would but he just was scared of my anger. Eventually he called and no, he wasn't looking to rekindle, he just wanted to apologise for disappearing.

That was 3 months ago and he never called me back but I can't stop thinking about this man. I still have very strong feelings and I am still going to counselling to deal with my anger issues but of course, he doesn't know that. I've been thinking of flying out to where he is. I just can't let it go till I see it in his eyes. A part of me believes he may still have had feelings for me when he emailed me after so long but I blew it.

So what do you think? Should I just forget about this or should I follow my heart and see if seeing him face to face would make a difference? I'm so confused right now but I'm very close to booking the ticket. I plan to stay in a hotel and only call him on landing. Please help!!!

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Linton said…
Stay calm, if he z 4 u, he will definitely come arnd, remember, wat eva z 4 u z always 4 u jst stay cool and enjoy
Bobby Ezubelu pol sci said…
Just keep calm u ar on d save side since u get his mail afta a lng tym dat means dat u ar always on his mind maybe work load hv made him nt 2 reply ur mail bt just hv it in mind dat wat eva is 4 u will surely come bk 4 u
Mr. Dulocs said…
babe ur case is a crucial 1 bt i mst advice u tink carefully nd dnt rush tins
Mr. Dulocs said…
2ndly, dear u luk beautiful nd no guy cn afford 2 let go of such beauty. So dia4 i suggest u stay calm nd allow nature 2 tke its cause. 4 if u 2 ar meant be 2geda nature wil bring u 2geda. Dnt 4get u dnt struggle 4 luv u allow it 2 grow in u.
Mr. Dulocs said…
bt dis babe fyn die abeg
Linton said…
Mr Dolucs jst gv ur advice and go
Mr. Dulocs said…
4 more advice contact Mr. Dulocs @ 08065603600
Comiclil said…
contact me on 08208785888 I can b of a help
Plz tink critically b4 u do anyti
Mr. Vicmaly said…
hmmm dnt jst knw wat 2 comment
nwogbo onyinye aka finest said…
My dear love can be sweet sometimes and painful sometimes but you must know that life goes on so gather your courage,wipe your tears and before you love someone you must love yourself first and if God has written you guys story in heaven nobody can rewrite it.please remember they are many bigger fishes in the sea:)
cyprian said…
I guess u rushed into d relationship without tinkn wat the repacaution is..... He saw hw desperate u are and he decided to play you. But what I know for sure is dat if he is your own he will come bac to you.
Mr. Dulocs said…
cnt dulocs admire wat is gud 4 once
Mr. Dulocs said…
Mr. Linton, am gud, i jst lyk gud tins
Mr. Dulocs said…
babe am waitn 4 d kol joor, i wil be glad 2 help out
Unknown said…
Jst tell d world dat ure interested in her but let m tell u dat shez mine
Unknown said…
Nne abeg jst go and pray
Kizzy Psych said…
Dnt rush d man take it easy ooooo maka ndu gi oooii
Private User said…
You have to remain calm and never be biased about any decision you're taking
Mr. Dulocs said…
i thnk i agree wit chuma
Anonymous said…
Nawaa, See note. Babe u 4 summarize dis tin na. Well, 4 ur prob, u have 2 go back to ur counsellor. Dnt try reacting wen u r pissed. U can b d best counsellor to urself either #MILADY PSYCH#
Spydee+ psychology said…
Uboi wait fo d mean tym
Kizzy Psych said…
Nne jiri kwa ya nwayoo nd make sure not to tell ur best frnds cos gals eeeh dem go sntach d man from ur behind
Private User said…
Be natural #spontaneous
beautiful said…
Ur goin tru stress nd heartbreak..I advice u to tak tinz easy,accept life d way u c it nd allow nature to tak its plc.
beautiful said…
Bliv me dear if dis man I'd destined for u,tinz won't be dis crucial.move on wit ur life nd hope for beta dayz
beautiful said…
Ur too beautiful to be goin tru all dis stress. Ask God for his guidance nd bliv me u wil see tinz workin out good for u
beautiful said…
Dia are oda guys out dia ready to treat u right..u dnt worth all des pain,am sori for al des.try to distract urslf by kipn ur slf busy wit some oda tin dan killn ur slf ova an ingrate
beautiful said…
God loves u,all u nid to do is kneel dwn nd pray to him.u wil kw if he is d right man for u

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