Download MC. Okiripoto's latest skit! Very lwkmd

One of ANSU's best comedian MC. Okiripoto currently released an audio skit titled 'Job Interview'. Funny Okiripoto proves himself once again. Please download it HERE


Anonymous said…
Na person joke e dy blow 4 us 4 skul....copie copie master u neva reach
Gistbank said…
Please free my own okiri for me.

Please keep visiting
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahahah Okiripoto
Paddy said…
Copy cat
Anonymous said…
U r gud bro, itz not easy 2 do wat u r doing
mc okiripoto said…
Tnx 2 u all 4 d somuch luv, 4 dose dat dnt like me..... I luv u more
Gistbank said…
You are very wise bro
skater ansu said…
okiripopoo you rock brooooooooo
bbryno bright said…
U dey there jor! Longest tym bro
bbryno bright said…

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