Love and Relationship Matters with Udeolisa Chinelo

*Unedited mail*
Nelly, I have read Gistmeansu for over two months now and it was a friend who introduced the blog to me. I am not a student of ansu and i pray it does not stop me from sending in my problem. Nelly, my boyfriends ex wants him back desperately, though my b.f does not give her face any-longer but I have a strong feeling that she can go extra miles to hurt me. Each time I discuss it with my b.f he tells me she cant kill a rat. Please what do you think I should do?
Nelly's Opinion: I feel sorry for you anyway. I think its about time you convinced your boyfriend to make it clear...I mean to spell things out clearly to the girl that she is intruding in his relationship. You can go as far as threatening him that if the disturbance continues you might go on strike for a while. That's what I think shaa.

Your advice is of great importance.
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cosmicbrain said…
By him saying "she cant kill a rat" means something 2 him, he knows d girl more than any other person. So no need 2 b afraid, u didn't snatch him 4rm her
chichi said…
I agree with chinelo,,make ur bf knw u'r not happy atol
Bby said…
Nelly is right disturb him 2 spell it out 4 u or go on strike
Anonymous said…
I support Bby
Unknown said…
i agree with Nelly,buh if tins remain d same den u myt need to take a walk nd save ur lyf
clinton said…
U hv to be strong in d relationship and since ur BF is in full support of U..I bet u she can't kill a rat..just show ur boo true love and affection so that there won't be room 4 him to consider a 2nd chance
Unknown said…
My dear b strong nd do all ur posibilities 2 make ur man happy so there won't b room 4 him 2 change his mind. No matter wot dnt exchange or engage in a fight with dat gal. Gals r dangerous remember, nd they r desperate
Anonymous said…
Call d girl nd warn her... And also tell ur bf 2 choose btw d both of u... N if he still wants 2 b wit u he has 2 spell it 2 d girl dat shez a disturbance(in your presence).
Justice michael said…
Sorry dear for d enconducive relationsship,since his EX is desperate quite d relationship so dat friends won't see u as a BF snatcher and save ur image and lyf.but if u luv ur boyfriend,I think Nelly's opinion is gud shaa.
Cynthia said…
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Anonymous said…
Simply sit d guy and d lady down so the trio of you settle dis once and for all. If it doesn't work out then just LEAVE. If U like something dearly U let it go. If it comes back to U then its yours
Unknown said…
Whu is diz hater??? Get lost or die trying. Why don't you create ur own blog & handle d colum to ur taste. Or beta still hug transformer. Must u visit gistmeansu?
Unknown said…
Pls tell ur bf to warn the girl severely. Its for your own good. Nelly got it right.
unique vivi masscomm said…
baby I understand your fear, is a common tin with boys and girls, d fear of losing dia bf or gf to dia ex Esp wen dey reunite as frnds Esp wen dey reunite as frnds,
Babe u don't need to fight with her ova ur bf, all u need to do is to pretend as if she don't exist, and don't Eva compare urself to her in front of him, she mite be more beautiful Dan u BT u posses one unique tin DAT u guy love, leave ur lyf lyk b4 and love ur guy lyk b4, bcos what is urs is always u. If ur guy choose her ova u, u all know so dnt panic and remember DON'T FIGHT WITH HA OVA D GUY. See her as fend not as enemy.
Paddy said…
Act 1st babe. Pour her acid and she will learn to mind her business. If you don't act first, then be ready to receive it first.
Unknown said…
Mr Best ℓ̊​ can handle this column well for you. Try me
Unknown said…
@Cynthia u are right. @Damilola why have u covered the truth? U knw cynthia is rite
Anonymous said…
At cynthia you are just a hater and a big fool,go 2 hell abi
Anonymous said…
Wat is happen here. U ppl hav leave wot u come to do to say anoda tin. Y can't ppl use dia numba 6. U was told to advice sombody u ar here putting eyes in sombodys biznes. Mr best pls dnt mind dem. do ur tin d way u want it. Chinelo god is ur strength.
Pls tel ur boyfriend to left u ppl alone
Unknown said…
Dear the best thing 4 you to do is free the relationship for now until everything dies down.
Konji master said…
Edet y are u supudin dat hater,u tink is easy 2 handel a page?i wish MR BEST can just give u 2 a chns even 4 a day.u 2 are just jealous
Anonymous said…
Edet and cynthia go fuck urselfs nelly we stand by u
kelvin ZM said…
Hmmmm... Dis is a real serious one,one thing is for sure. She just wants your guy back out of jealousy, nothing more. I doubt if she even loves d guy again... Just be aSsured of your man's love for you. In this life, only God is worth dying for... I guess Miracle has a point though. @ the same time don't chicken out because she's desperate to have him back.. She can't hurt you, not even a scratch. Beat her to her game babe by holding your man down nd showing him more love than ever
Mc deprince said…
Well dey ve said it all, dnt fight nd dnt fume. Keep luving ur guy as long as his no more into d ex. Beat her 2 her game, dats d ans
Unknown said…
kelvin,dnt b so sure,some gals can b so wicked nd deadly wen dey wanna deal wit one,nd datz y i adviced her to talk a walk if d fyt becomes physical...
Anonymous said…
Kudoz miracle I mst confess I come here jst 2 read ur comments.
Mantisa said…
Please get another bf. That relationship is not working.
Alomo said…
Jst passin ♍Ɣ‎ dear, Nelo hope U̶̲̥̅̊ re nw happy?

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