Miss ANSU Uli vs Miss ANSU Igbariam

Who is more on point?


Anonymous said…
Miss Ansu uli,no work at all.Igbariam miss is beta
Paddy said…
Jesus! Miss Uli woh woh ooo
Anonymous said…
Miss uli is beta jor
Anonymous said…
Add more pix mak we judge wella
Anonymous said…
Add more pictures nah...cant judge with only one picture
cyprian jideofor pol.sci said…
Miss uli is very okay....but her face no follow.....miss igba...na she make pass
Anonymous said…
Miss Uli needs a plastic surgery.
Unknown said…
Add more pictures let's judge
somayina's blog said…
Miss ansu igba is beta...bt miss ansu uli myt be beta in anoda pix.
Anonymous said…
Yes add more pix gistmeansu pls
Mantisa said…
Tum bom- tum bom- turu obi na ise -yom
I go for igbariam
Anonymous said…
Well to me its obvious dat Miss Igbariam photo is 4rm a studio shot ,U can't compare it wt Miss Uli's field photo so let the owner of the blog update a recent pix of the both
Rusty said…
Add more pix joor,but jugdn 4rm dz I prefer ms ansu Uli doh am in igbariam. Black is beautiful
Anonymous said…
I guess u are nt a doctor and u can't be even in ur next life
Anonymous said…
Add a facial pix of both atleast a studio shot don't be partial bcos it looks like u intentionally used a Digital shot 4 Miss Igbariam
NONI said…
JESUS!!! miss uli woh woh no b small... igba camp get swagg abeg....
Unknown said…
Miss ansu!!!!!!!lshe's good to go
Unknown said…
Wow!!!!!!my miss ansu uli is Good to go
SEYE said…
Miss igbariam looks beta n hotter bt we ll be a better jugde wen we see other pix of dem
Chi said…
Miss coou igba is very ok dsame wit uli... Bt i prefer igba own
Anonymous said…
Best wat is ur problem? You ignored our mail of new pictures and granted Miss Uli change. Get out
Paddy said…
Because you know him. Ride on.
Unknown said…
But why should Best grant the other lady change and deny the other. Best its unfair
i ChoPtas Not said…
New Version of Ansu Pageantry Highly needed for immediate upgrade....
Anonymous said…
Uni couuites will not kill me. Plastic surgery etc. Ansu Igbariam no too make oo. But she beta pass that short girl. But dem try shaa.
Anonymous said…
Best even choose a good option 4 u and u still get mouth abi yeye u too GET OUT
Anonymous said…
Miss Igbariam looks too busy and more of a masquerade
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahah masquerade? Una get una mouth
Anonymous said…
Omo na uli own ugly pass ooo
Unknown said…
Miss Uli has my vote
stacy said…
HmmM...add more pix 4 us 2 judge berra jare....bia miss uli make sense 4 ma eye Oo°˚˚˚°!
Unique vivi masscomm said…
Unknown said…
Uli is okay. Atleast she beta pass my school own
Unknown said…
I wld go with Miss Ansu Uli coz she is ok nd natural.... Buh Miss Ansu Igba is kinda Artificial nd too busy
Unknown said…
I dnt knw them in person but judging with their pix, i wil say dat d gal in skirt appears nd looks more natural than d one in trouser ful of artifcial......... She would hv lookd natural if her make-up was a bit lighter, d same applied on her hairstyle. Kudooos my fellow.....thump up

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