Mr. ANSU Uli Vs Mr. ANSU Igbariam (Who has got the swag?)

The cute dudes below are Mr. ANSU from the both campus. Some of us might be meeting them for the first time. We have got a question for you guys...
1. What do you think of them?
2. Who has got the BETTER swag?

Mr. and Miss ANSU Igbariam. *Additional pic*
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Paddy said…
Mr ansu igba camp rocks.
Anonymous said…
mma nke di isi adighi nko, nke di nko adighi isi, where on earth are these ghosts 20a and b njoku street thats what tthey are
senator Victor said…
Mr Ansu igariam
SpEnCeR Agric Eco said…
Mr Ansu Igba...z on point
Mr igbaradum make sense joor who talk say he no get swagg I dey fill u joor
Anonymous said…
ANSU igbacamp
Ifenna The Light said…
Mr ANSU ULI all the way joor.. The boy fresh die.. SwaggLord.. See fine boy no pimple.. Keep the fire burning bro
Jen Physics said…
Uli nigga is cute
Anonymous said…
Lol.. See Mr ANSU Igbariam, he's got just one outfit
#Fact Lord Masscom said…
How can you people compare the Uli guy to this cloth begger. Cant you see that the Uli guy is so on point? Tochukwu go and rest
Unknown said…
Mr. ANSU Igbariam lacks cloth. Pls donate
Colybaly said…
Mr ansu uli got swags bt mr ansu igbariam got class bt I got both swags and class pass (colybaly philosophy dept
Unknown said…
MR ansu igbariam is way cuter...Mr ansu uli doesn't even have dress sense...too local
Anonymous said…
Make i hear say mr ansu uli no sabi... That guy na #dead#... Gosh that guy is cutier..
Anonymous said…
O.M.G Mr Ansu Uli got great swags than MR igba... Starboy comp. Sci
Anonymous said…
Mr Ansu Uli no dey carry last, he done dey teach them, and them talk say na him packaging go dead fast.... I knw ma guy guy, na bomb him be...
Anonymous said…
if u no soji have no fear, that guy spends money on the fins he wear... Thats Mr Ansu Uli for y..... #baddestguy
Unknown said…
well.....i prefer Mr Ansu Igba,buh datz coz i kinda kn him in person buh judging by this pix i wld go for d Uli i tink beta pictures of Mr Ansu Igba wld make for a beta judgement
Unknown said…
buh i tink most of us here re being SENTIMENTAL in our judgement
monica said…
Lawrence my amiable MR ANSU ULI guy you bam yakata for that pix guy u are tøo beautyful to b called handsome dat ur cat eyes na mystery to me as for tochukwu borrow more clothes next time
Anonymous said…
Mmm! Dnt rili knw wt 2 say bt judgn by swagg, I tink mr ansu of igb got t whil mr. Ansu uli s way 2 simpl bt v u eva stayd clos 2 mr. Ansu igb 2 perceive d odour dt ouze out frm his cloth n mouth... Dts way 2 bad 4 a guy dt got swagg OUCH!
Anonymous said…
I sense jealously,Tboy(ansu Igba) all the way,like check out his wardrope and those of you suggesting he borrows his clothing,never will it be from you,just from his hommies,hug some transformer nd shout yaayiii!!!
Sommy Creations said…
Biko mr ansu igbariam all the way
Queen Masscom said…
Yes mr ansu uli is handsome but any 1 in igbariam knows that mr ansu igbariam has got SWAG! he is always well dressed, always on point! Welldone tochukwu!
excobar said…
Everybody knws d@ uli guys no sabi @ all...dem no get am @ all ,igba guys get am 4 for everything...swag,outfits,fine bois...e.t.c...dis is like comparin chamark with messi..not posible u knw,abeg t.boy pass d@ guy wella..even me pass d@ guy I swear
El superior-Unizik-Pharmacy said…
I think Mr. Ansu Igbariam has got more swag(judging from the pictures presented above)
Anita brown said…
Mr.Ansu has got much more swag n his cuter.......
Anonymous said…
Mary anne akonanya# pave way for the model of our time,a swag full dude,mr ansu igbariam all d way.t baby keep the swag and rep d modeling industrial bestie U̶̲̥̅̊ wil  also win mr naija ok
stacy said…
T Ansu igba camp looks dapper!!! Cute n got nore swag
Chilaveth said…
Mr. ANSU ULI gat more swagg and seems like Mr. ANSU IGBARIAM lacks clothes.
Anonymous said…
Weda he borrows his cloths or not wafin concern una huh?is dat d question?mr igbariam 4 me tho mr uli simple but nyc outfit is still cool but I fink mr igba has got more swags.pls guys if e dey borrow e concern una no b wafin dey ask una ni, y don't u guys stick 2 d question? stop insulting d guy.I sure say na una borrow pass oooo
Unknown said…
I'm always honest. Secondly, I ain't Ansu so no fear of sentiments. Mr. ANSU Uli is better. Whathafuck! Why should a whole Mr. Ansu be smelling? Both his mouth and co? Why? Its appalling.
Unknown said…
Dey both rock! Bt I site mr Ansu igbariam
Rusty said…
D ques. Isn't hu gat cloth but swaaaagggg,abi? Mr igbariam. Mk una no de scatter yan 4 here abeg
Anonymous said…
Mr Ansu uli on point.....!haters go nd die
stephanie psychology dept said…
Watz wit avin clothz in wardrobe? Sumppl nida upgrade mentality dou...plz MR ANSU iqbariam al d waii...he haz qat a better dress sense,nt al abt avin much clothez bt mkn a good combination of dem no mata hw little...peace!!
Anonymous said…
Sirsay!!!!! We no dey carry last joor. Inwere ya puko.
pretty c.i.s said…
Taa igbariam clear road for my national kpowai. To be frank dy are both my friends so no sentiments uli is beta 1 his outfit is ok dan dat of T.boy. 2 his background is better than Tboy 3 his postures is better 4 coming to looks he is more handsome i know him lawrence kus we attend lectures together if u doubt me dn ask ? Of whom 90% of std has in dr mouth during d s.u.g nyt Tboy is good in his own way but lawrence is better honestly he is fun, friendly and someone who believes gentility is d key as you can c from his pic. But lawrence gym up next time ooo.
Anonymous said…
Ma guy Yuh sharp pass scissors @MR ANSU ULI
Anonymous said…
Ah!u sef no get sense ni!nd it's a pity...hav u seen dis dude b4?tlk more of conversin with him to confirm dt he has bad breath or body odour ?y wuld u be so gullible to bliv what a jobless bad belle has to say about diz guy!nawaoo..ndi mmadu!
cyndel said…
Lawrence you roooock!!!!oops thats my mister l mean mr ansu uli camp
Anonymous said…
Mr ansu uli sharp!!!!

Fresh _Af
Anonymous said…
Click this link nd be amazed of it offer
Anonymous said…
Tboy all d way
Anonymous said…
i jst rep i person...MR. ANSU ULI.....SALAD

Unknown said…
Out of every rumor is an atom of truth
Anonymous said…
Nice advice. the guy need a gym
Paddy Pol. Sci. said…
Wait! You come here to do online romance or wat? use d door
Unknown said…
The guy with different outfit is better. Thank you
Anonymous said…
Lawrence na my man!!! U sharp joor
Mr ansu uli
lol am enjoying dis but guys don't take it personal cus it's just for fun anyway
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Pls rumours cannot be calculated in atom. Olodo
Unknown said…
Dia is nothing like 'rumours'. The spelling is wrong and the 's' should not be there.
cyndel said…
Sweetheart dont tell me you are jealous
Unknown said…
Mr ansu uli u na fresh kid
mr igbariam u na house boy wey no get bafup...
Paddy Pol. Sci. said…
Pls dis is public
Anonymous said…
This blog is wack same as this comparision.. Ansuites y'all dumb af tbh, niggas rating niggas pick is gay shit. Where the ladies at? This glorified sec. sch. of our better start doing dope stuffs
Unknown said…
You don't deserve to live long.
Unknown said…
Nice... Troy Accountancy 400l
Anonymous said…
Dis 1 is not even rumour sef,jux d dumb opinion of a bad belle/hater!!gullible u wuld bliv evrtyn heard/read.atom of truth kor,atom of truth ni!
Anonymous said…
Where did dey pick dis asshole 4rm nw!wah do u knw.u'r prolly in 1 ov 'em remote villages right nw cmin here 2 form gangster 4 us..d blog is wack,u wey cme ere cme find ur head is WACK!!dumb f**k
Anonymous said…
Mr ansu igbariam got more swag,pls peepz stop comparing costume,handsomme nd swagg 2geda,nd the question says who got more swagg pls use ur head b4 u answer.
Anonymous said…
Hey guys I tink some of u guys here ar being sentimental abt the whole tin,some even carry this issue on there head as if after the comment dey wil be rewarded,common dis is fun nd not e beef nor insult each other,plss talk maturely nd leave not coming 2 insult both mr igbariam nd mr uli,weda mr igbariam borrowed or does not hav costume its non of ur busness the main tin is his swag not how he got dem ok
Anonymous said…
Tboy 4 me
Unknown said…
@Anonymous O:29_ you should not visit wack places if you aint wack. Be wise
Unknown said…
It is ida Mr. Uli or nobody
i ChoPtas Not said…
Chineke Moses, isaac na jacob..#shocked# Well Mr. Best Depends on your own definition of swag probably GMA has gat its own dictionary am not aware of cos if what i actually saw is anything to go with then i will simply say both are sawgless.... Just worried about outsiders that will come around and snigger@us.. Well, if u say Mr. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu UNi..i will tell u they both flow with the name both definitely not Mr. Ansu.. Chai! See the other one even posing above like he was forced to take on the post... Hmmmmmm..lemmie stop here jor but truth remains that am not impressed...!!! Yes, i said so..
Unknown said…
Mr ansu, igba camp swag make sense pass
Anonymous said…
I ChopTas Not u wan skin dem ontop say dem talk say one dey borrow cloth?. U for free dem atleast
cossybebe said…
Mr ANSU ULI make sense. I go for u.
Anonymous said…
If Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ wan compare 2 guyz abg post dia natural pic not studio polished pix abg
u.c said…
lawrence you look too expensive hr my man nice pic
Unique vivi masscomm said…
@ choptas, y criticizing dem
Anonymous said…
mr Ansu uli rocks
Anonymous said…
orumili u bam joor na saga dy talk I go 4 mr Ansu uli
Anonymous said…
mr Ansu uli na fresh dude 4rm ubanwa aka saga 4rm computer sci dept....
Anonymous said…
I go 4 mr Ansu uli fresh dude 4 computer sci,naccosite edi sharp

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