GMA Exclusive: 5 Ailments That Can Be Cured By Sex

According to The Daily Mail, the hypothalamus region of the brain is active during a cluster headache, and the same area shows activity during orgasm.
So, what else can sex cure? Take a look at the list below and start treating your ailments.
1. Stress
Need to relax? Look no further than the bedroom. In a Scottish study, men and women were placed in stressful situations and told to keep records of their sexual activity. People who had recorded having intercourse responded better to stress.
2. Sleeping Problems
Trouble hitting the hay? Forget counting sheep. Oxytocin, the endorphin released during orgasms, also promotes sleep.

3. High Blood Pressure
Researchers discovered that sexually active people have lower blood pressure when faced with stressful tasks.
4. Bad Mood
Not only does semen contain mood-elevating chemicals, such as endorphins and oxytocin, the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality found that sexually active people take fewer sick leaves and enjoy life more. Sex has also been shown to boost self-esteem.
5. Dull Skin :
No need to apply extra bronzer. Turns out, the “sex glow” is real after all. Thanks to increased blood circulation, oxygenation of the blood, and a rush of endorphins post-orgasm, the effects of sex can do temporary wonders for your complexion.


Unknown said…
Wu no know say sex dy cure bad mood?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Mr best ooo. U are corrupting us
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Very true. Thanks for this post
Anonymous said…
E don finish wetin stress they do mtshew
i ChoPtas Not said…
Imagine if sm1 can read a Newspaper for free without
paying for it, what will now make he wanna pay&owe it
when he can read for free whenever he wants? Pls
Sisters, Don't Be that book everybody comes around
and read then drop&walk away..Then another comes
around&pick up,read&drop..xoxoxoxo.. Pls keep the
information in that book safe..seal it up&let him who
actually thirst for the content come around&pay then
take possession, unseal and get the contents.... Ladies
out there if a man is not ready to put a ring on u, make
sure he doesn't earn d benefits of MARRIAGE from
YoU... if u have a counteropinion me Dira
Debby•Celeb4eva @Dira4God
Unknown said…
Sweetheart thank you. Nice one.
Anonymous said…
@I choptas not, are u saying u don't have sex? Or are you married.

Anonymous said…
Thumbs up Dira!nice 1...*on point*tell 'em ladies
Unknown said…
You need to be a girl ambassador
i ChoPtas Not said…
@rose&anonymous.... Daalu plenty&do stay blessed

@damilola.. 4realz? Why not show me the way dear, i don't mind oooo trust me#smiles
Unique vivi masscomm said…

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